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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Weight Lifting Exercises For Your Chest - Bench or Crossovers?

By Westy

Many people wonder which is the best exercise to use to build muscle in the chest area. If you look in your local gym there are a number of people using all sorts of exercises to get the results that they are looking for in their chest region. The bench press is the most popular choice for those who are looking to improve the muscles in the chest. This is known to be one of the best exercises that you can use to work the upper body and most especially the chest. There are others that you can use as well.

The other exercises that you can do for your chest are:

Flyes With A Flat Bench

Flyes With An Inclined Bench

The Incline Bench Press

Cable Crossovers


I tend to think that most times the chest workout should start with focus on either the bench, or dips. The reason being that they are great comprehensive exercises, and if you're looking to gain mainly size and strength, there's no need to do focus exercises for any particular body part. And plus, why workout harder or longer than you need to!

Bench Press: So how does it work?

1. Lie back on the bench and keep the bar above your line of sight.

2. If you're lifting heavy, get a spotter to help you grab the bar at arms length, and settle it above your chest (in line with your nipples is best)

3. Breath in as you are lowering the weight toward you.

4. Breath out as you push that weight as hard as you can toward the sky!

5. Keep going until your muscles fail.

This exercise is great for working out the total chest and shoulder area. You'll feel it in your triceps (especially if you use a narrow grip) and in your lats too. Take care to do a good workout using lower weights to warm up the area before lifting. You'll be able to tell the difference in your workout if you "prime" the muscles using a warmup that builds to the desired weight like this.

Say your max weight is about 220lbs (totally random figure used for example only!) You'd start with a warmup of about 90lbs and do 15 reps, then 140lbs for 8 reps, then 170lbs for 4 reps, then 200lbs for 1 rep. This ensures you're not only warm, but ready to handle the weight without wearing out the area. You're "primed" for doing the real work where you work the muscle to total failure. This is where you'll achieve maximum muscle growth potential. Go 100%! - 17268

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