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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hoodia Patches or Hoodia Diet Pills for Better Results?

By Reagan Miers

If you've ever been in a store or visited a website that sells hoodia patches then you will probably have seen that the company's biggest claim is that their patch works a lot more effectively than the traditional hoodia diet pills. They argue that by wearing a patch you will receive a slow release of hoodia into your bloodstream throughout the day.

They also state that because the hoodia does not have to travel through your stomach, a hoodia patch will suppress your hunger a lot faster than any other capsule or liquid based supplement.

On the surface, this makes total sense but unfortunately there is no scientific evidence to back this theory. There isn't one scientific or clinical study to date on the effectiveness of hoodia patches. In fact, there are very little studies on the effectiveness of hoodia gordonii itself!

What about the nicotine patch or the birth control patch, you may ask? They work after all, so the hoodia patch must be effective. Sellers of hoodia patches will try to make this comparison but don't fall for it. There is a big difference between these products.

Birth control patches require a prescription. Nicotine patches initially required a prescription and only recently have been over the counter. The hoodia patch has never required a prescription. Why is this distinction so important?

Any product that requires a prescription or once did has had to undergo rigorous testing and be subjected to governmental regulations before it can be marketed to the public as being effective. None of the hoodia patches sold today require a prescription. Doesn't that tell you something?

I know some of you will be skeptical about believing medical studies, so here's something else to consider. Hoodia gordonii is grown in the Kalahari Desert in South Africa, and is a cactus like plant which has been used for generations by the local tribes to suppress hunger on hunting trips.

The original way of taking hoodia that the tribe use is to cut a small section a few inches in length from the plant. They would then peel the skin, and eat it. This would deliver all the hoodia needed to suppress their appetite for several hours. Eating the plant is obviously an effective method of delivery so which method do you think would be most effective: taking a pill which contains ground up hoodia powder, or wearing a patch on the outside of your skin?

So I believe that all the hoodia patches out there are a waste of time, which may make you think that hoodia supplement capsules are the best way forward. This is not true! In fact most studies show that the majority of hoodia products available today are fakes which contain little to no hoodia gordonii. There are only a few hoodia diet pills which do contain genuine hoodia gordonii.

Until there is a hoodia patch that actually works, your money will be better spent on a high quality hoodia diet pill that contains authentic hoodia gordonii and has been proven to be effective. - 17268

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