Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, February 16, 2009

Mind Power For Burning Fat

By Nate Rifkin

When I was in high school, I did weight training every other day with a friend. During one of these sessions, another friend of mine named Jason joined us. He would never return again.

"I can't stay motivated," Jason said. "I can't workout unless I listen to the soundtrack from Rocky."

It was funny to hear. But then I started thinking to myself: So what?

If he needed to listen to Eye Of The Tiger or Hearts On Fire EVERY time he trained, then why not just listen to them every time?

If it works, do it.

I work out a little after I wake up. Mostly I say others should do the same. But if you're more of a nightowl, make that work for you.

Some people can't eat before a workout - I prefer not to. But maybe a little food helps you.

I also like a warmer gym. Some people like to blast the air conditioning. I like heavy clothing when exercising, others go for spandex.

The key point here is to stop thinking, I can only do such and such in a BAD way. Whatever conditions allow for you to succeed " make sure you follow them. If you need air conditioning, loud music, and heavy sweat pants to get a great workout at night, do that every time. If you prefer to sweat in lycra with dead silence in the morning air, stick to that.

Blasting Gonna Fly Now included. - 17268

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