Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, March 23, 2009

7 Fat Loss Tips to Get You on the Right Track

By Thong M. Dao

If you are like many people who are trying to lose weight, you have probably tried diet after diet only to find out that the diet you are currently on is not helping your fat loss plans. The reason for this might be that you are using fad diets and weight loss programs that do damage to the body instead of helping it achieve its ideal weight. If you want to lose fat and stay healthy, follow the following tips to help you achieve your goal.

1. Figure out how you got here. You may need to learn to eat better, or you may need to overcome problems that are encouraging you to eat. Whether it's a lifestyle change or an emotional problem, you may need to do something about it to encourage fat loss. There may even be a hormonal problem that's responsible for your weight - to find out, you'll need to talk to a competent doctor who doesn't have prejudices against you. Once you know what circumstances have caused your gain, you can deal with the problem more easily.

2. Be willing to be in control of your food. That means not allowing friends and family to convince you that just one won't hurt, and it also means paying attention to restaurant food. However, most of all it means not letting food be in charge. Instead of trying severe diet and exercise plans, look for a sustainable option that will result in the best long term physical and mental health. After all, being thin is only one part of being healthy.

3. Instead of eating three big meals, eat small frequent meals. If you eat frequently throughout the day, your metabolism works continuously and burns calories. If you eat big meals your metabolism goes up and down and it is actually harder to lose weight that way. Pay attention to what you eat during these meals and stay away from processed snacks that are high in fat and sugar.

4. Eat slowly and savor the food you are eating. When you eat fast, your body doesn't get a chance to realize that it's full until you've eaten too much. When you chew your food thoroughly you will eat less and enjoy it more.

5. Take baby steps. Do not starve yourself and do not start a fast loss diet that will expect you to make drastic changes. If you want to succeed in your diet it needs to be easy to follow. Take small steps, and get used to them one at a time until you reach your goal.

6. Eat a balanced diet and don't eat processed food. Eating processed food is really bad for you because it is high in fat and sugar. It will cause you to gain weight and put you at risk for diabetes and other physical problems. Foods like lean protein, whole grains, and fruits and vegetables are much better for you and will help you stay healthy in the long run.

7. Drink enough fluids. You need to drink plenty of water, unsweetened teas, and other beverages. It's better to stay away from caffeine and diet sodas because they will not hydrate you well enough. Not drinking enough can cause you to feel hungry when you are really thirsty, so make sure you are drinking enough throughout the day. - 17268

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