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Thursday, March 5, 2009

How can Goji help me reach Homeostasis

By Yousef Singh-Chang

Many foods we eat on a daily basis throw off our bodies alkaline and acid levels. Many researchers and doctors believe that having too much acid can lead to disease and illness. Dr. Marcial-Vega a trusted expert has been doing a 3 year study on the effects of acidosis and how Goji can help balance the body. The study has shown some amazing benefits and I want to take some time to go over the interesting findings from the study.

Many doctors believe that keeping your alkaline levels is a key to good health. Dr. Marcial-Vega is a strong believer in this and has been doing a 3 year study on how Goji can balance the bodies levels. He started with giving 86 patients a dosage between 1 and 15 ounces of Goji juice, depending on how bad their acidity was. He found that 90% of his patients reversed their acidity to alkalinity just by taking Goji Juice. He also noticed that as the alkalinity changed so did the reversal of many illnesses including high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, obesity, chronic renal failure, high cholesterol, arthritis, and many more.

After seeing that the Goji was doing its job Dr. Marcial-Vega wanted to test if the Goji had any affects on patients who were undergoing cancer treatments. He looked over the results very carefully and was glad to see the Goji did in fact make a difference. Many of the patients had elevations toward normal blood levels. This marked protection of the bone marrow during cancer therapy.

Dr. Marcial-Vega also observed that high cholesterol levels decreased a minimum of 50 points in four weeks in 67 percent of the patients; high blood pressure dropped in 80 percent of the patients, and 50 percent of the patients decreased or eliminated their high blood pressure medication. The best observation was that 85 percent of the obese patients lost a significant amount of weight. Seeing these results he has came to the conclusion that Goji makes a difference and everyone should incorporate it in their daily lives.

I am so glad Dr. Marcial-Vega took the time to do this study. It shows how amazing Goji berries are, and that if you eat right and keep your body balanced you can prevent disease and illness. Dr. Marcial-Vega concluded that everyone should use Goji in their daily lives. It can prevent you from getting sick, and give you a energy boost. - 17268

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