Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Were you born a hardgainer?

By Jon Cardozo

If you've spent some considerable time trying to build a more muscular appearance but haven't had much success, you may be tempted to label yourself as a hardgainer. You may have even been given this title by your friends in the gym. Is there really such thing as a hardgainer?

The debate between nurture vs. nature has been going on for a long time, and many have gone so far as to blame their entire circumstances on their genetic inheritance or their upbringing. It would be nice if you could blame all of your shortcomings, including your failures in the gym, on genetics. However, before we start to blame our parents for the genes that they passed on to us, we may want to take a minute and examine our actions that have led to failure.

I know that some people are better at weightlifting than others. It's the same thing with just about any field you can think of. Some people have a natural gift, and others don't. However, no matter what your starting point is, your hard work and commitment will determine how far you go.

I'm not saying that taking on a weightlifting or muscle building program is going to be a piece of cake for you. It may actually be more difficult for you than for some other people.

If you're willing to make the commitment to obtain the right knowledge, and if you accept the possibility that you'll need to work a little harder than the next guy, you will be able to make significant gains. You need to take on a challenging program of progressive strength training along with an adequate weight gain diet.

It may sound like a clich, but a positive mental attitude really is critical to your success. You have to be willing to put in the work, and you have to believe that it's going to lead to the right results. Of course, you're going to need the right kind of trainer, so you want to follow a proven muscle building course from someone who's been there before. The important thing is to drop the negative attitude right away, or you'll never get very far.

Every obstacle will seem greater until it appears to be insurmountable. You will stop looking for creative ways to solve the problems because you've already told yourself that it can't be done. So what's the solution? First, drop the title of hardgainer.

Then get yourself in a comprehensive muscle building program designed to build massive gains as quickly and naturally as possible. - 17268

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