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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Diabetes Prevention

By Jake Ryan

There are ways to prevent getting diabetes. If you think you are at risk the first thing you should do though is talk to your doctor. You can also take a diabetes screening test online that can tell you if you are at risk.

High blood sugar levels is a serious symptom of diabetes. If you find out you have high blood sugar levels you should consult your doctor immediately, change your diet, exercise more, and try relaxation methods. Pre-diabetes symptoms such as this can be caught before full on diabetes so pay close attention to your body and warning signs.

The American diet has become on high in sugar or carbohydrates and low in fruits and vegetables. This extreme diet has led to an ever-increasing incidence of diabetes. When you take in high levels of carbohydrates and starches, the body turns them into pure glucose or sugar. This means the pancreas must work overtime to create enough insulin to deal with the sugar levels. In addition, poor diet leads to obesity a risk factor for diabetes.

Some research at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine has even linked type two diabetes and obesity. There were tests done under controlled environments on mice and they were unable to transport glucose efficiently when obese.

When you exercise the body actively works to use more glucose, this means that while exercising your blood sugar levels will drop, which is a good thing. In addition, by adding just thirty minutes of walking a day you can burn more calories and begin losing weight. Both of which are great diabetes preventions.

If your condition is extreme, what doctors call boarder line diabetic, your physician may want to start you on medications that will reduce your insulin resistance. These are prescribed on a case-by-case basis and what is prescribed will depend on your symptoms. If you are not producing insulin, you may need to take an oral medication. If the problem is in your sugar production, other medications address the issue. Talk with your doctor about all the options. - 17268

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