Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Belly Fat Needs Tough Love

By Jane Wilcock

Looking for a serious plan that will help you lose belly fat and keep it off for good? You can crush belly fat with regular work out routines and healthier eating habits. There is no difference in the fat around your abdomen and the fat that collects on your hips, thighs and buttocks. Belly fat is just the result of too many calories and too little activity and you CAN get rid of it.

Some people are more disposed to fat accumulation in their abdominal area. However, even these people can get rid of this flab and build the lean, sculpted midsection they really want. Theres no magical overnight solution, but watching what you eat and exercising regularly will make you lose belly fat.

A healthy diet is the best weapon you have to combat belly fat. Eating a healthy, nutritionally balanced diet will have you well on your way to a new slim and sexy you! The first thing to do is to look at your diet and reduce your caloric intake " empty calories are your worst enemy.

Fresh berries, especially blueberries are an important addition to your diet. A handful of antioxidant-rich blueberries twice a day help your metabolism to burn fat more rapidly; and its a delicious way to fight belly fat!

Of course you can lose weight by eating a low carb diet; but the carbs arent the real culprit! Any diet that cuts back on caloric intake will result in weight loss. If you want to lose those excess pounds and that unsightly flab, then youll need to not only eat less calories but also take up weight training and cardio exercise.

Here is a very useful tip about dieting. Any time that you eat protein rich foods your body will burn almost 5 times the amount of calories as it does for carbs or fats. This is why lean meats, protein shakes, and egg whites are all good choices to include in any healthy diet to help you lose belly fat.

Make sure to mix things up in your diet. When you vary the amount of carbohydrates you eat, this keeps your body from getting used to a certain level of carbohydrate intake. People who keep their diet varied in this way lose more weight and lose it faster than those who do not " and this also prevents diet burnout.

Instead of considering a diet as a temporary means of helping you lose unwanted belly fat you need to make healthy eating a lifestyle change. Likewise your exercising should become part of your daily life. Daily walking or aerobic activities will help you burn fat and when you work with weights you will help tighten, tone, and firm your entire body. - 17268

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