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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Why You Are Having Difficulty Increasing Your Height

By Rodney Williams

If you or your child is short in nature, then you are probably well aware of the emphasis our society puts on height. Unfortunately, children of shorter stature are often made to feel insecure and possibly depressed. This can have long term consequences and prevent them from being fully productive adults. It is only natural for you to want to grow taller, but it is important that you understand the reasons behind short statures.

Your genetic composition plays the biggest role in determining how tall you will be. There are people who have other situations that keep them from growing to their full potential. Many of these situations happen during childhood, which is when your body does most of its growing. No one person has the same problem, so talk with your doctor about why you have a short stature and how you can increase height. When you talk to your doctor, he or she will probably explain the four basic reasons for stunted growth, familial, constitutional growth delay, growth failure, and idiopathic .

Your Familial history is the most common reason why you are as tall as you are. Familial height is decided solely by your genes. If you come from a shorter family, then you will probably end up as tall as your parents.

However, nutrition and medicine have advanced. Now there are ways for you to increase your height despite your Familial history. This includes eating the right diet, getting plenty of exercise, and sleep. Although there are some who would take artificial Human Growth Hormone, or HGH, this is not recommended in these cases. The best thing you can do for your body is to increase height naturally.

Constitutional Growth Delay means that your body does not grow when it is expected to, but catches up much later. Typically, a child will grow much less than the average child when they are young. The child will remain shorter than his or her peers until the onset of puberty. When the child reaches puberty, growth accelerates and the child will reach the genetically disposed height. This condition typically runs in families and is most common in children.

When Growth Failure occurs it is normally a sign of a greater problem in the body. There are generally three reasons for this problem. A systemic problem is when one or more of your body's natural systems, such as nervous or cardiovascular, are not functioning properly. An endocrine malfunction means that there is a problem with your system of organs, which release the vital hormones and enzymes you need to grow. Congenital disorders are those that are caused to the fetus in the womb. Unfortunately, these situations are not always treatable and you should see your doctor, or pediatric endocrinologist, to discuss your options.

The most inexplicable reason is Idiopathic Short Stature. Sometimes your body is working fine, no symptoms and no medical issues. However, you do not grow. This is not a very common condition. Also, it has not been proven that HGH can help promote growth in these situations.

Once again, only a doctor can tell you exactly why you, or your child, are not growing taller. While administering HGH might be discussed, it will be better if you try to naturally grow by eating right, working out, and sleeping. Also, do not smoke because second hand smoke may stunts growth. However, once you know the fundamental reason for your shorter stature, you can work to improve your situation. - 17268

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