Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, June 4, 2009

What Are The Links Between Junk Food and Easy Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you are suffering from easy bruising, to the level where you don't even recall how you got the bruise at all, or when just lightly bumping into a cabinet or shelf can cause you to bruise spectacularly, you're probably wondering what the reason is. You might be dealing with an unknown vitamin deficiency, and one of the reasons for being deficient might be because of your intake of junk food. Junk food is very appropriately named, and when you ponder about the hollow calories that you are ingesting into your body, particualarly without the slightest bit of help from added vitamins, it leads you understand the reasons why your bruises may be getting considerably worse than they were before.

In the first place, you should consider what actually causes bruises to occur. As we age, our skin starts to get thinner and more fragile, and a number of separate situations can then lead to our capillaries becoming much thinner and frail. Because of this thinning of skin and capillary walls, even a light brush against something can cause our capillaries to break when they otherwise shouldnt, and that can be the cause of some fairly significant bruising. The answer to overcoming easy bruising starts with giving our body the resources it needs to strengthen the capillary walls when they break, and to make them less apt to break in to begin with.

When you consume too much junk food you will create a problem evolving from the fact you are getting few of the nutritional resources that your body's system requires to build up its defenses. Can you name any junk food product that will provide you an appropriate dosage of vitamin A, or vitamin C, or even iron? When you partake of junk food, you are simply just storing up complex sugars. The intake of complex sugars results in an instant dump of energy into your system, which can sometimes help you get over a rough patch, but you will feel a drop (or crash) quite quickly thereafter. After the crash, you will likely be grumpy, and then you'll be tempted to look for another energy burst. However, simple, or non-complex, sugars break down much slower, so this can give you a much easier time dealing with the temporary burst of energy.

Eating junk food can distract you from eating the foods that are healthful for you when it comes healing your body, and depending on what your family history shows, it could also be a factor for your contracting diabetes. One of the primary warning signs and indications of diabetes is bruising easily, so this is just another reason of why you should be more conscientious about the kinds of food that you eat. Force yourself to take one day and commit yourself to recording everything that you eat. From this record ask yourself, Am I getting the necessary dosages of the vitamins and minerals that my body needs? Does your record seem to expose the likelihood of your having any deficiencies?

Take some time and really think about your diet. This is something that you really need to concentrate on if you want to move ahead and get rid of that pesky easy bruising. - 17268

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