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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Acai Nutrition Facts: All The Acai Nutritional Information You Need

By Travis Van Slooten

The acai berry is the most recent super fruit to hit the market and the acai nutritional statistic tell you why. Whether you saw it on television talk shows or in the supplements aisle, you have no doubt heard it touted as the greatest food to have come along in quite some time. People have begun exploring the acai berry as a treatment for countless ailments and illnesses. And when you look at the acai nutrition facts, it is easy to see why they think this little berry could be so

The Battle of Antioxidants and Free Radicals

It's almost a guarantee that you've heard the term antioxidant before. You have probably also heard them associated with their arch nemesis, the free radical. But first, you have to understand what these terms actually mean. Free radicals, a naturally occurring atom, are different from normal atoms because they lack an electron from their pair. They make up for this by stealing electrons from other atoms, creating more free radicals. In abundance, they are believed to be a driving force behind many problems from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's to cancer and heart disease. Antioxidants combat and slow the effects of free radicals by giving the electron they desire without allowing them to steal it from healthy atoms.

What makes acai berry really stand out is its antioxidant content which measures far above all other fruits. The ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) is a system which scores a type of food on its antioxidant level -- the higher the number, the greater the antioxidant content. For instance, the avocado only measures 19 on the ORAC and yet is known to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. With a 94 ORAC score, Cranberries have long been called super fruit. Acai berry on the other hand, scores an amazing 610 ORAC count. Now let's see other fruits even come close to that.

Other Healthy Facts About the Acai Berry

The acai is not touted as a super food for nothing. True, its antioxidant content is just unbelievable but it doesn't stop there. Acai contains a component called anthocyanins, the same substance found in red wine, which is effective in fighting coronary heart disease. A decent amount of unsaturated fats can also be found in acai berry. These unsaturated or "good" fats, produce essential fatty acids like Omega-6 which are needed in the body. Acai berry is also a good source of fiber, which is an energy booster.

Does That All Make the Acai Berry a Super Fruit Worth Studying?

If the acai berry doesn't constitute a super fruit, what does? It contains many of the healthy properties of other fruits, in addition to astronomical levels of antioxidants. While you will likely never get to have a fresh acai berry, unless you visit Brazil, you can get all the nutrition from pure acai supplements. If you obtain a high quality supplement, you can experience the benefits of acai for yourself. The acai berry is one of the most beneficial foods you can eat, the acai nutrition facts don't lie. - 17268

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