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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Staying Young Side Effects Of The Acai Berry

By Helen Harris

When you scan the advertisements for acai berry products you see an astonishing quantity of claims about how wonderful this little berry is for everything from weight loss, to better sleep to preventing disease and the characteristic declines of aging.

Then again, the fact of the matter is that there is no genuine scientific verification for any of these claims. Experiments that have addressed the actual berry just do not exist as of yet. All of the alleged "proof" about this tiny berry lies in subjective data from average persons who have had success with acai berry products.

Even so, it has been proven that the acai berry is one of the most wholesome foodstuff ever located on the earth. A list of ORAC values, or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity values, the acai berry scores elevated than any other berry and the only other food products that exceed it is a few spices, such as ground cloves, ground cinnamon and ground oregano and sorghum bran and sumac bran.

Antioxidant ability is imperative for staying young, fat loss and just our general healthiness. Whenever the body uses oxygen for any process, which in actuality is just about every process in our bodies, it creates free radicals. Free radicals are variable molecules that are missing an electron. These free radicals initiate inflammation, which in turn leads to aging, obesity and even diseases.

An antioxidant will come in and attach to the free radical and contribute the absent electron. This stabilizes the errant molecule and thus reduces the inflammation. This is a exceedingly critical process for our health and well-being.

You can come across antioxidants in a number of fare and drinks from tea and coffee to spinach and blueberries. All of the berries are tremendously high in antioxidant potential but the acai berry has the uppermost ORAC level of all of them.

By lowering inflammation in our bodies we can ward off the predictable signs of aging, such as wrinkles, sagging skin, loss of stamina and even dementia and memory loss. The top method to drop inflammation in our bodies is to consistently devour a high amount of an assortment of antioxidants. Acai berry products can be a healthy addition to an already healthy and nutritious diet that can assist us to do this.

We are all going to mature and get older but the individuals who take protective actions and lessen the inflammation that can set off many of the tribulations will be the ones who are able to become old more elegantly. And that is vital to all of us. - 17268

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