Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Woman's Fitness Routine for Achieving A Great Body Fast

By Chris Tan

A fitness routine geared specifically for women is an excellent way to lose weight and gain a healthier you. However, it is important to remember that with any fitness regimen, hard work and dedication are needed for success.

Firstly, the main reason that cause women to fail to lose weight is time. Most women do not have much time for workouts now. Also, impatience causes them to turn to gimmicks and pills that always promise quick results. Hence, let us look at how we can optimize womens fitness routines for better results in shorter time.


Intensity is the key when it comes to fitness trainings. Whether you are doing cardio exercise or weight training exercises, you have to know that the higher intensity of your workout, the more calories you will be burning. For example, a person who jogs for 5 days a week will be losing less calories and fats as compared to one who runs for 3 days a week. That is how much a difference intensity levels can make.

In order to maximize the intensity of your workouts, do short sets of exercises. A perfect example of this is to do short sets of sprints then rest instead of doing long distance jogging. The reason for this is that long distance jogging does not allow the heart rate to increase as much as short sprints do. In addition, high intensity workouts alleviate the need for unnecessary hours of workout time in order to see results.

Add Weight Training.

Weight training is the top and very best metabolism boosting training. For weight training, the amount of weight used and the speed of lifting is the key to intensity. Heavier weights mean higher intensity levels. Weight training increases your metabolism rate for 24 hours!

Implementing both cardio and weight training into your workout routine will give you the very best workout possible. Although this may seem like hard work, the results you see in your body every week will be worth it.

Eat a Healthy Diet.

Proteins, carbohydrates and fats ingested by the body determine the way your body will look. Adopting a healthy diet is another great step to achieving your fitness goals.

To see results quickly, implement a strict healthy diet into your fitness routine. Here are some suggestions.

A diet rich in protein and less in carbohydrates is essential to achieve your fitness goals. Carbohydrates create excess energy that the body will store which then turns to fat. Proteins allow the body to feel fuller longer, thus maximizing your food intake.

Eat smaller meals. This is one way to boost your metabolism without even having to exercise. By eating multiple small meals, your body will be tricked into thinking that you are consuming a lot more food. Hence, it will work doubly hard for you. This is also the reason why starving diets do not work. Starving diets cause your metabolism to work less in order to store more energy for your future needs. - 17268

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