Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Discover How to Grow Taller By Improving Posture Permanently and Easily

By Rodney Williams

How are you holding your neck right now as you read this? Is it straight up or is it bent trying to support your drooping head? Is your spine straight or is it like a question mark? If you have answered in the latter to these questions, you have found an important reason why you are not as tall as you would like. If you mind your posture hereon, the pressure on your spine will reduce and you will grow taller.

Good posture is central to the health of the back and its growth. It also has psychological benefits that enhance your mood. Given here are tips to grow taller by improving posture throughout the day and night.

Standing: To prevent your pelvis from tilting forward and curving the lower back, wear flat shoes instead of heel lifts. Wherever you stand, at the cafeteria, at the bus stop, at your colleagues desk, etc. find something to place one foot at a height. Resting one foot higher than the other protects the lower back from arching.

Sitting: Sit in a position such that your knees are slightly higher than the hips. Invest in a good chair that has a strong and high backrest and also provides support to the small of your back. If not, use a small pillow behind the small of your back. Also get up and walk around every 20 minutes.

Sleeping: Sleeping with straight legs is not good for posture as it causes a swayback. Sleep with a pillow or two under your knees when you sleep on your back. If you prefer to sleep on your side, bend in your knees and hips to straighten the spine. Place a pillow in between the knees to avoid strain on the spine.

Lifting: If you suffer from lower back pain, you shouldn't be lifting heavy objects at all. If you don't have a choice, remember the following: Do not twist, get as close to the object as possible, and bend your knees rather than bending at the waist.

Once you get used to the right posture, it is hard to let go. Discover this natural method of how to increase height by sitting, standing, lifting and sleeping with the correct posture. Things will get much easier and you will quickly rise to a greater height. If you do feel a bit weak in your muscles, you may consider taking up posture enhancing exercises like yoga to boost the process of growing taller.

Whenever you remember, stretch your head, neck and spine higher and hold for a few seconds. Gently relax but stay in the same posture. This posture will help you throughout your life. - 17268

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