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Monday, September 7, 2009

Organic Gardening - How to Start a Successful Home Garden

By Rhonda Abrons

Avoid taking on too much at one time with organic home gardening. Knowing how to start a home organic garden right the first time is the best way to ensure success.

Start Small

Edible Landscaping " Plant your vegetable starts among your existing landscape.

Small Beds " Dont go larger than 10 X 10 foot beds at first. Smaller areas are easier to manage for beginners.

Containers " Plant starts in containers on your porch, balcony or around bushes.

Pick the Best Spot

Water " A nearby water source is imperative. Struggling to get water to your plants when you are new to organic home gardening will make you want to quit fast.

Close to Your Kitchen - While this is not necessary, it sure is nice to step out of your kitchen to grab your own freshly grown produce.

Compost - Having the luxury of a nearby compost pile or the use of a wheel barrow can definitely cut down on back breaking work.

Grow What You Want

When you are purchasing your produce at a store, pay close attention, these are what you want to grow in your organic garden.

Grow what is expensive " Are there certain vegetables you love to eat, but are very expensive in the store? If the plants will work in your climate zone, try growing them yourself.

Use Variety - Having your own organic garden allows you the opportunity to experiment. Go for it.

Make It Easy for a Start

Use Plants versus Seeds - Seeds can create frustration for any beginner. To ensure your journey is enjoyable and easy, try using starter plants from your trusted local nursery.

Amend the soil " Make sure you mix your soil with compost, peat moss or other amendments to keep good drainage. Compacted soil wont allow nutrients to the plants or allow the roots to grow. Soggy, clay will rot the root system.

Mulch - This promotes moisture retention as mentioned earlier. It also keeps those pesky weeds at bay. - 17268

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