Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, September 4, 2009

Your Washington, DC Personal Trainer Will Help You Look Great in 4 Weeks

By Josef Brandenburg

Ever felt hopeless after spending hours together on your exercise bike or treadmill without losing a substantial amount of weight? Did you ever feel distressed after doing rigorous exercises for more than 6 weeks with no visible results? Stop complaining and quit that treadmill or bike immediately. Your experienced personal trainer from Washington, DC can give you astonishing results within 4 weeks.

Strategy 1: Preparing and setting up data

The first step is to gather all important information that will be needed to draft a weight loss program. We begin to assess your present thoughts about your body, uncover your biggest frustrations, talk about your strengths and weakness, and establish the real deal between you and your commitment to getting fit.

You need to focus on important details like: Previous medical history. Earlier weight loss programs undertaken, if any and their impact. What kind of physical activity does you job entail? How much free time can you spare? What are your expectations from a professional trainer from Washington, DC? All this information is very vital. You will realize the importance of this information as you continue reading.

Strategy 2: Set Achievable Goals

What a client wants is really vital. This forms the basis on which a personal trainer has to design your entire weight loss program. This can be a very easy or a tough nut to crack for the trainer depending on how 'SMMART' your goals are.

Yup, I got the spelling right. Goals set should be - Specific, Meaningful and Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound.

Your Washington, DC personal trainer adds meaning to weight loss goal setting. Most individuals find the drive to stick to the program when they know their goals purpose or meaning.

Strategy 3: Designing the most appropriate weight loss program.

Now a question may arise as to what the most appropriate weight loss program is. Usually these programs are tailor- made keeping in mind the information that is gathered during the 1st strategy. A perfect weight loss program has to be developed keeping in mind your specific requirements and physical limitations.

Designing a personalized program and regularly checking how efficiently it works will help you achieve your weight loss goals within the set time period. Checking body weight on a weekly basis also helps to check if you are headed in the right direction with the program.

Strategy 4: Empowerment

I cannot emphasize the importance of empowerment in training. Aside from the fact that empowerment sounds like a good thing to learn, I want this stressed since most Washington, DC personal trainers avoid empowering their clients. Why? Because they are plainly motivated by pumping out money from them.

An empowered weight watcher is the next greatest thing a trainer can turn their clients into. It gives the client confidence and critical thinking skills that will enable them to keep their fit bodies for life.

When working with me as your Washington, DC personal trainer, a typical male client can expect to drop 10 pounds of body fat in the first 4 weeks (not the same as weight), and atypical female client can expect to drop a dress size in the first 4 weeks. - 17268

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