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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Juicer Recipes - 3 Great Vegetables To Juice for a Healthy Heart.

By Darren Haynes

Juicing your vegetables is an excellent way to get a super dose of their healthy nutrition. There are three vegetables in particular that provide many of the nutrients required to fight heart disease. So, what are these well researched vegetables?


Vitamins A and C are found abundantly in Spinach. These are both well established nutrients that protect cholesterol from getting sticky and protect the arteries from hardening. Sticky cholesterol is able to attach itself to the arteries causing a build up of plaque and the restriction of blood flow.

The muscles of the heart will not function properly with out magnesium and potassium. If our potassium and magnesium levels get too low, this can cause irregular heart beats and even a possible heart attack. The good news is that spinach contains potassium and magnesium in abundance. Further more, these two minerals also help lower blood pressure.

Spinach also contains other blood lowering components - peptides. Research has found that blood pressure levels in animals was lowered in as little as two to four hours. The animals consumed just 20 - 30mg of peptides for each kg of body weight each day

Juicer recipes idea: A lot of spinach is required to make enough juice that you can drink. About 6 cups will get you what you need. Also, spinach juice doesn't taste so great, adding an apple to the juice makes it easier to drink.


Sulforaphane is an antioxidant plant chemical that is found abundantly in broccoli that can indirectly safeguard the heart from cellular damage. Research from the University of Connecticut has shown that sulforaphane some how activates a release of the protein thioredoxin into the body. It is then thioredoxin that protects the heart's cells.

Also, broccoli is bountiful in the cardioprotective phytochemical sulphoraphane. Sulphoraphane is somehow able to trigger the release of thioredoxin. Theioredoxin is a protein that has been proven in a study by the University of Connecticut to protects the cells of the heart from harm.

Juicer recipes idea: Both the flower heads as well as the stalks can be juiced. This is a good way to get more variety of vitamins and minerals from the plant.


Are tomatoes a fruit or a vegetable? Well it is heart healthy enough to make it to this list, so I will leave the answer at that. Tomatoes contain a plant chemical called lycopene which is responsible for its vibrant red color. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant which protects the tomato from the harmful effects of heat and light from the sun. Lycopene is equally powerful at protecting our arteries from cellular damage. In a recent study from Harvard women taking lycopene were 50% less likely to develop heart disease over a five year period. Furthermore, lycopene is considered to have beneficial effects on blood pressure.

Juicer recipes idea: You can make soups or salsa with the left over pulp. - 17268

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