Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Oral hCG Drops or Injectables for the hCG Diet? Which is Better?

By Diego Bellusci

Once you have decided that you want to start the hCG Diet, the next important step is to decide if you want to take the Oral hCG Drops or the Injectable hCG method.

Dr. Simeons developed the hCG Diet for Weight Loss over 35 years ago. Since that time, technology advances have now permitted for you to choose between the original injectable hormone or the new type of Oral hCG Drops, known as homeopathic hCG. The Oral hCG Drops (homeopathic) is not pure hCG, however it is as effective for losing weight as the pure hCG. Oral HCG drops are simply taken with a dropper under the tongue; no need to inject stomach or butt (ouch)!

Many have wondered if the Oral hCG Drops are as effective as the injectale hCG. It has been stated that a small highly concentrated dose of minerals, vitamins and hormones can be just as effective as the regular injections. Many in practice have reported that their clients that are taking the Oral hCG Drops are having similar or more enegery and feel fuller those those on the hCG injectables. They have also reported that they are losing just as much weight by taking the Oral hCG Drops.

Oral hCG Drops can be shipped directly to you home across the nation since it does not require a prescription. There is no need to visit a doctor. The homeopathic Oral hCG Drops bottles contain a small amount of alcohol that helps keep the hCG preserved during shipment and does nothing to effect the diet.

Before you purchase hCG, make sure that you've learned as much as you can about the hCG diet. It is important to do your research, because properly following an hCG diet regiment is necessary if you want the hCG to help you effectively lose weight. Not only will you lose weight, but you can keep yourself safe, and enjoy a healthy body!

The HCG diet is not for everybody; if you are not truly dedicated to losing weight and actually getting healthy, then you may want to consider a different weight loss avenue.

Once you feel that you grasp the differences between oral hCG and injectable, you can go ahead and obtain oral hCG without being limited by the higher cost of injections. Get the same results, in the same amount of time and at lower cost! Don't put off your healthy dreams any longer, try it today! - 17268

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