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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Women's Personal Trainer in Washington, DC Uncovers Why Lifting Heavy Weights Makes Women Shrink, Not Grow

By Josef Brandenburg

You may have heard this warning more than once, if you are a female who is fond of workouts - Avoid lifting heavy weights, unless bulking up is what you want. This common piece of advice couldn't be more wrong. Your DC based personal trainer explains the truth about what would happen to women who lift heavy weights.

Why is it impossible for women to build up muscles like men in spite of lifting heavy weights?

The main reason is that women do not have the same amount of testosterone that men have. Women will not be able to develop muscles like men, with just about 15 to 20 times less than the amount of testosterone which men have. This is exactly why it is safe even if women lift heavy weights provided they are fit and healthy enough.

What DOES happen when women lift heavy weights?

Since women have a little amount of testosterone, their body gets toned up instead of developing bulk muscles whenever they lift weights. They end up developing muscle without mass, because of the lower testosterone levels.

* More sets and repetitions lead to development of muscle bulk; however women restrict themselves to lesser repetitions.

When guys get into weightlifting, they will often do lots of reps at high weights. Women in general do considerably less, which builds strength but not "volume."

* Heavy weights develop strength, not size.

Women get strength and not bulk muscle by lifting weights. Women get muscle strength and neurological improvement because while lifting weights the nervous system is stressed as much as the muscles, but there is no increase in the size.

* There are several benefits which women derive from lifting heavy weights.

Now that we have dealt with the misguiding weightlifting and bulk facts concerning women, these reasons should be sufficient enough to encourage lifting heavyweights provided you are healthy enough to do so.

You are losing out on the benefits of heavy weight lifting if you are avoiding it because lifting weights has several positive effects on women. Not only does it help in strengthening your muscles but it also ensures that connective tissues and bones become stronger. It also provides several benefits in the long run, especially prevents diseases that come with age. - 17268

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