Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Oral Contraceptives And Getting In Shape

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

The pill, formally known as an oral contraceptive, has changed a lot over the decades. The new concoctions are much easier on your body, have fewer side effects and haven't lost effectiveness.

Nonetheless, the question still remains as to whether or not oral contraceptives cause weight gain in the female body.

Well, after having looked into this extensively, the research demonstrates that contraceptives can in fact cause increases in weight. Here is how they can do it:

1. Reduced insulin ability. This becomes more of a concern if you have a prior condition with insulin resistance. And when insulin can't function properly, your active tissues can't absorb calories very well. This translates into more calories going towards fat cells.

2. Less adrenalin. Also known as catecholamines and fight or flight hormones, adrenalin is a critical substance for accelerated fat burning. Not only does it mobilize fat, but it also gives you a massive jolt in energy. Unfortunately, contraceptives can decrease adrenalin levels.

3. Compromised amino acids. Unfortunately, some contraceptives can change the amount of amino acids available for repair. And if your body can't repair itself the way it should, you won't recover as well from your workouts which in turn can decrease your metabolism.

4. Too much water. Now every woman has experienced excess water retention towards the end of the month. And unfortunately, contraceptives can magnify this issue. There are ways to counterbalance this by taking things like caffeine with dehydrate you.

Now I don't recommend getting off of contraceptives quickly. This is a decision that should be looked at from many different angles.

Now if you feel like what you're taking is causing excess weight gain, you should talk to your primary care provider for additional options. You may want to try a less potent formulation or stop taking them altogether until you reach your goal.

Finally, I would like to point out that acting on the information in this article is critical if you don't want to forget what you have learned. - 17268

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