Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Treadmill Versus The Elliptical Machine, Which One A Better Option?

By Paul Philips

Every time I go to the gym, which is never as often as I'd like, I end up spending about a half an hour doing cardio exercises.

There are many reasons that I enjoy doing this. Aside from the health benefits and the fact that it's a surefire fat burner, I experience some other benefits as well. Most notably, I simply feel better and more productive throughout the course of any given day whenever I've run.

After listing those benefits, I have to wonder why I don't exercise like this every day!

One thing that I've gone back and forth about recently is whether I'm better off using the treadmill or an elliptical machine as a means of getting my exercise in. Is one of them better than the other?

The best way to figure this out is by doing a quick pros and cons analysis. Here are a few key points about each.

As far as the elliptical is concerned, there's definitely some appeal here. Here are a few of the strengths involved with this machine.

People really enjoy the fact that it's a low impact machine, meaning that your knees, legs, and back don't feel the impact that they normally would if they were running on the ground. If you're concerned about the durability of these body parts, you'll like the elliptical.

I'm also a big fan of the fact that you can add resistance to your workout, meaning that there's a better opportunity to build leg strength via this means of exercise.

Then there's the treadmill, a much purer form of cardiovascular exercise. If you're one of those people who feels the need to run, you'll be much happier with a treadmill than the elliptical, which is more like a stair machine.

Some of us have busy schedules and only have a limited amount of time to spend in the gym. If this is the case, you'll appreciate the fact that a treadmill workout generally requires less of your time than the alternative does. - 17268

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