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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Cholesterol And Diet - Starting Today You Can Reduce Cholesterol

By Adrian Fletcher

You may be among the many people who have an above average level of cholesterol and need to take immediate action to bring those levels down to healthier ranges. A blood test can be performed by your doctor to tell if you have high cholesterol, and what can be done to reduce it. As high cholesterol and diet are closely associated, doctors will generally give you advice on what you eat. They will recommend sticking with diets that are lower in fats but still contain high levels of the necessary nutrients.

If you can reduce and keep your cholesterol level under control by modifying your diet, you may avoid taking medication. When first informed that you have high cholesterol, a diet and exercise plan is the first step to getting it under control. Your doctor will give you information regarding the type of diet you should be following or where to get more information on this topic in order to bring your cholesterol under control. If you don't feel like you can make the suggested dietary changes on your own and need some additional help, a nutritionist or dietitian can formulate a dietary plan fit for you.

A nutritionist can help you to see the relationship between cholesterol and diet. You'll learn what foods you shouldn't eat and the ones that are helpful to have in a healthy diet. Being informed about foods that are good for your heart is the best thing you can do to achieve a healthier life.

You can make the process of managing your cholesterol and diet easier by making sure that you are well stocked with healthy foods that you can vary by adding spices and herbs that will give it a different taste. Done this way, you will find that staying with your diet will not become a tedious chore. You're more apt to be successful when you're cooking dishes that taste good instead of bland and boring.

If you have a doable cholesterol and diet strategy in mind, you can start searching for healthy recipes that can reduce your cholesterol and are good for your heart. You should look for as many different foods to include in your diet as you are willing to try. You may hesitate to try new foods, but work in a little at a time. You may find that you like other foods you have never tried before that are healthier for you, so don't be afraid to experiment a bit.

Although cholesterol and diet are closely linked to each other, the best way to ensure you get your cholesterol level and your general health in check is to combine an exercise program into your life. Exercise can be a drag at times so the key is to make it fun. Try out activities that you consider fun rather than things you instinctively detest. This is critical to all the steps you may take in reducing your cholesterol levels.

To ensure your success with managing cholesterol and diet, remember to include foods you actually enjoy and an exercise regimen that fits your every day life and can become part of your normal routine. Incorporating these two tips into your lifestyle will build a solid foundation to a healthier new you. - 17268

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