Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, November 28, 2008

How to Lose The Fat and Still Gain Muscle Simultaneously?

By Bob Barrow

Hundreds of products come out every single day claiming to help you burn fat and build muscle in minutes, days or weeks. These products never work! And you know it. You either end up using that product and screwing yourself up, or you listen to others who bought the product and screwed themselves up.

There certainly are good ones out there too but very rarely will you find one that helps you stay lean for over a year while allowing you to actually enjoy your life. Most of these routines are easily adapted by your body in like 5 to 8 sessions of the same workout over and over again. These routines usually provided a plan that will only last for like a month or two. What then?

You should already be aware of the fact that muscle burns fat. The more muscle you gain, the leaner you get quickly. So why not get the double advantage of building muscle by picking exercises that build muscle fast, and also create the largest calorie expenditure that burns fat like crazy?

1. Got for total body exercises that target major muscle groups like Chinups, Squats and Deadlifts. These exercises work the major muscle groups to their greatest potential, and also utilize the smaller muscle fibers in the process. This is a great way to burn fat while building muscle.

2. If you want real muscle growth, you need to work hard in every workout. Go to your max. Compete against yourself in your previous workout. If you did 8 reps Bench Press with 150 lbs last week, go for 9 or 10 reps with the same weight in your next workout. Or increase your weight and train to failure. Keep progressing in every workout.

3. Eat to build lean muscle not fatty jiggle. Focus on feeding your body with low GI carbs, fruits and green fibrous vegetables to build the lean, ripped body you need. Stay away from junk food.

4. If you want to get great results, you need to take a week off every 8 to 10 weeks. This rest is necessary for your body to prevent injury and overtraining. Believe me, you will burn fat and build a lot of muscle even in your week off since your body finally has the chance to repair weeks of intense training.

5. When it comes to machines or bodyweight, always go for bodyweight. You'll be surprised at the results. Unless you want to work the abs using a cable machine for kneeling crunches or cable chops, you are btter off getting super effective results using free weights and body weight movements than using machines no matter how expensive they are!

These 5 tips are all you need to get a jump start in your goal to burn fat and build lean muscular physique in the shortest time possible. All you need is focus and persistence to fight for what you deserve. - 17268

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