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Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Chopra Center Endorses Zrii's Bill Farley

By Brent Finlayson

Bill Farley has truly surprised everyone he comes in contact with and by bringing along the amazing business plan and high quality product. He has teamed with world-class co-founders that excel at managing and leading the team with poise and confidence. Bill has been described as living the American dream who came from humble means and realized his financial ambition through hard work, courage and determination.

Dr. Chopra and Dr. Simon have revived the ancient process that can easily be learned by anyone and made it available. There are also a series of questions/interviews on Yahoo Answers so you can join in the conversation and get your questions answered. The Emotional Freedom workshop takes place at the Chopra Center in December and is and the world premiere.

After learning of Amalaki fruit, Bill Farley engaged a team of doctors and nutrition experts to create the product that would revolutionize the world of nutrition and wellness. Farley, being a self-made successful business executive, received the full endorsement from the Chopra Center for Wellbeing. A proficient CEO of Body Wise International, he moved on to the next health-related product.

Bill's latest company, Zrii, may be taking the world by storm but there is more than enough room for anyone to join. With your desire to make a contribution to the world's newest phenomenon, a little passion and focus on the important things in your life you'll find the Zrii life a comfortable one that provides a lifestyle worth living. The 5,000 year old formulation of ayurveda goes right along with the Zrii lifestyle. Zrii juice is generating a lot of buzz online, and many network marketers are making their mark on the world.

Amalaki is thought to contain the most concentrated natural source of Vitamin C in nature. Amalaki has been used in Ayurvedic Medicine for over 5,000 years for a reason. Amalaki is known as the single most important botanical for promoting several healing properties. It's one of the richest and most documented legacies of any fruit known today.

Wellness and supplemental health has become very popular over the years as we discover the increase in fast foods and processed foods that lack the nutrients our bodies need to be healthy. As we consume larger and larger amounts of non-nutritious food we need to supplement our diets with vitamins, minerals and natural nutrients in order to maintain a healthy balance in life. The human body is very adaptive and can hide many ailments until its too late and we see our health deteriorating over the decades of replacing nutritious eating with hurried eating that fills us up but discards the natural healthy ingredients.

With conventional and wellness training and knowledge, mixed with natural nutrient supplements and the understanding of the human body, Bill Farley has led the movement to natural supplements and health and wellness in the 21st century. The Zrii health drink balances your life through mind, body and soul and is easily accessible from their website or from a distributor. Raising your level of awareness and increasing your health should be a daily goal that overshadows the rat race of life but many of us are doing all we can to get by. This is a great way to easily throw a little health into our lives.

When you're considering your business model, your health and wellness and the success you can find in helping other find these benefits of life again you should consider the Zrii brand, Bill Farley, Deepak Chopra, David Simon, the Chopra Center and all the other intelligent and successful contributors the Zrii brand. Your opportunity to find success and wellness is readily available and there's plenty of room to carve out your piece of the American dream and surround yourself with other very successful people. - 17268

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