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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Ginseng Root Extract.

By Zul Rahman

Until today ginseng still carry the healing and mystical ability as most people believed. The ancient Chinese considered that a plant that look similar to human body parts would have a healing effect on that body part. Indeed if the plant appear like a hand, then it would have the ability to heal the hands. Since Ginseng looks like the whole physical structure then it is believed that it can bring balance and well being to the whole body.

Ginseng has complex carbohydrates, it is an anti inflammatory, an anti oxidant, and has anti cancer elements. It is also known for producing energy. Thats why most of the energy drinks contain ginseng. The Chinese are the one that identified this benefits.

Americans utilized ginseng to treat mental clarity and stress. Ginseng has always been associated with its power to tone up physical as well as mental therefore maintaining good body balance.

The Asians have discovered that Ginseng facilitates mental betterments, eradicates anemia and helps prevent diabetes, neurosis, coughs, asthma, and T.B. Likewise they believed that it is beneficial to the well being of liver and can significantly cut the effects of hangover.

There are a lot of research done on Ginseng compared to other herbal supplements. One of the concern that people have nowadays is that they don't get the genuine Ginseng anymore because of the chemically factory processed..

The only way to be certain that you get the authentic Ginseng is to buy the Ginseng root. Regardless of all the research and studies conducted on Ginseng, it is still yet to be certified by the FDA.

Be warned that if you suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, clotting and bleeding disorder, do not use Ginseng unless with the approval of your health care professional or doctors.

Ginseng served both as medicinal herbs as well as goodies in cooking. This is pretty common in Asian cooking particularly in Korean and Chinese dishes. Ginseng are also put in tea for curing and pleasure purposes.

It is commonly chopped, mashed and added into boiling soups. Sometimes it is also added to stir fry dishes and during the cooking of steam rice. Normally Ginseng is used together with the preparation of chicken and mushroom dishes.

Apart from regular cooking, Ginseng is also used in the preparation of dessert, salads and even jellies. Usually people who love cooking with Ginseng are the vegetarians. Today as more and more people learn about the benefits of Ginseng. it is becoming more of a household kitchen ingredients. - 17268

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