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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Weight Lifting Exercises - Shoulders

By Westy

The shoulder muscles have been known for centuries as being the icon of strength; from ancient Greek wrestlers to bodybuilders today. The shoulders are where you get noticed. There is a common theme amongst bodybuilders today and in Western society that the chest is developed much more than the shoulders. I personally don't think that's a great look. I mean, who want to have big boobs if you're a man anyway!

I know, muscle is muscle, and strength is strength. If you're not concerned with a great Greek god like physique, then stop reading now. I'm interested in a proportioned body, not just a massive strong one.

Shoulder exercises should be used to develop your upper body strength the majority of the time. Bench is good, because it targets the shoulders and chest at the same time, but again, it's primarily a chest exercise and you'll develop way too much chest muscle if this is all you do to workout your shoulders.

The military press is one that can increase the strength and appearance of the shoulders. It is also known as the behind the neck press in some cases. It is a very all encompassing exercise that will use all of the muscles in the shoulder area to increase the size and strength of your shoulders. The method is the same that you will use for other press type exercises. It is possible to use a bar or a dumbbell according to your preference. It is not recommended that you use a smith machine because of the potential to cause injury and the lack of a full range of motion.

How it works:

1. Sit down on the bench

2. Position the dumbbells on either side of the shoulders with the elbows positioned below the wrist.

3. Push the weight up and away from your shoulders, but use care that you do not lock the elbows.

4. Lower the weight slowly, and repeat

The military press is not a difficult exercise to perform and should give you an increase in strength as well as the appearance of your muscles. When you use other exercises as well, you will have a well proportioned upper body. Having a well balanced group of exercises for your upper body is a great way to get the best results from your workout.

Use these tips for an even better workout of your shoulders.

Try doing the shoulder press standing up to get a whole body stability workout. Even start by lifting the weight from the floor in a clean and jerk motion, to the shoulders in a lateral raise motion, then shoulder press a few times before lowering the weight. It's intense, and will stimulate your body to grow VERY quickly. Vary the focus. Try cycling about an 8 week turnover focusing on Shoulder press, then Bench, then Chins. i.e. Workout Shoulder Press FIRST during the first 8 week cycle, then complete the rest of your workout. Next cycle, workout the Bench FIRST... etc.

When you return to doing the shoulder press first, you will have increased the size of your upper body all over. This will also improve the strength that you will have to perform the exercises with each cycle. - 17268

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