Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Healthy Weight Loss Coming From Fish Oil Benefits

By Michael Byrd

Healthy weight loss coming from fish oil benefits; you may start placing your bets now!

Studies show that fish oil can help you look better, feel good and manage your weight properly for a happier, healthier and longer life.

It may sound like another one of those new miracle fad diets that you have heard of, but this is different. So let's have a look at the scientific benefits of fish oil for weight loss.

Studies have proven that those who take in the most amount of omega 3 fish with DHA weigh a lot lesser than those who eat lesser amounts of fish. Those who eat more fish fatty acids were also observed to have decreased risks of being obese.

Recent research that was published in the Journal of Nutrition showed the DHA in fish oil helps to stop the conversion of pre-fat cells (preadipocytes) into fat cells (adipocytes). That's good. It does this by causing pre-fat cell death (apoptosis). [vol. 136:2965-2969]

Well I guess you can tell that pre-fat cells are fading because of DHA fish oil.

As the days will pass, you will be seeing more evidence of the anti-weight effects of DHA. And as fish oil capsules are seen to be the best way to get a low caloric high level DHA, it just makes it reasonable to add high quality supplements of fish oil to your diet.

But fish oil benefits do not end with weight loss.

We all need essential fatty acids to boost our hormones and metabolism and this is a proven fact.

The difficult part is if you are trying to lose weight or you want to maintain optimum yet healthy weight, you may need to get rid of some caloric fat.

I regret to say but those bad fats have to be eliminated! It won't help you lose weight. On the other hand, you still need healthy fatty acids to give you the energy to burn calories and for you to have a healthy, energetic, and well-functioning body.

Depression has been observed to be one problem in why most dieters would stop their weight loss programs.

This is not surprising. A study reported in the Journal of Affective Disorders established that "depressed subjects showed significantly lower total omega 3 fatty acids than healthy controls." This simply means, with fish oil, you get lesser chances of becoming depressed. [Vol. 26, No. 38, 35-46]

A higher intake of omega 3 fish oil fatty acids can make people feel better.

The DHA in fish oil has been proven over and over in several scientific studies to help people overcome depression and help them feel much better.

A published scientific study in the American Journal of Psychiatry will show you that when subjects with depression were given omega 3 DHA fatty acids, compared to subjects in a placebo group, there were highly significant benefits fast ? in just three weeks. [Vol. 159:477-479]

Separately, another research study was made by the psychiatry department of the University of Sheffield UK which provided this finding- "fish oil supplements with DHA alleviated anxiety and depression." [Journal of Affective Disorders, Vol. 48(2-3):149-55]

The point here is, people feel happier and can accept their situation better if they get optimal levels of fish oil with DHA ? no matter what the situation may be.

Successful weight loss, feeling good and an effective way of burning fat are some of the many benefits one can get from omega 3 fish oil. Good quality fish oil supplements give you all these benefits minus the fat calories.

This can be very important if you are to take into consideration every amount of calorie intake.

This research on the benefits of fish oil for obtaining optimum weight is definitely simple ? and it applies if you need to lose weight and feel good at the same time! - 17268

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