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Friday, January 16, 2009

IBS Treatment - There Are Many Different Ones

By Julieanne van Zyl

Feel assured that you do not have to put up with those embarrassing and painful symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) for much longer. There is an IBS Treatment that will work for you, its just a matter of finding the one that suits you. The first thing to consider is whether you want to consume medication for the rest of your life or if you would prefer to find a natural treatment.


Your medical practitioner will recommend different types of medication depending on your specific symptoms. The effect is usually temporary when taking medication, because it doesn't clear up the symptoms, but just "hides" them for awhile. In addition, there may be side effects to medication which could leave you feeling worse.

Psychotherapy and/or anti-depressants might work for you, especially if your symptoms are severe and you are depressed by them. However, taking anti-depressants could be a dangerous way of covering up the symptoms instead of dealing with them. You may want to look at the other treatments before psychotherapy or anti-depressants.

Hypnotherapy is another treatment that might work for you. Research shows that it's working well for some people.

More Natural Treatments

These last a lot longer, even though they may take longer to work initially. Quite often, a natural treatment will last the rest of your life, or at least for many years.

Changing Your Diet - Nutrition

One of the most recommended treatments is to work out which food is irritating your bowel the most, and to stop eating that food. You may not have to stop eating specific foods forever. Once you have eliminated all those that bring on your symptoms, you can gradually introduce a little of each one ( one at a time ) to see if you react to it. This kind of treatment can take months or even years to get used to, and its difficult when going on holidays or just going out to dinner.

Take A Mangosteen Juice Supplement

Taking a high quality whole food nutritional supplement is a good way to eliminate the symptoms of IBS. Once your body gets used to the supplement, you can eat whatever you want. Mangosteen juice is one supplement that settles the digestive system, and some vitamins and minerals can also settle your tummy. The mangosteen can also reduce inflammation in your bowel, reduce diarrhea and pain. If you want relief from your IBS symptoms in a short period of time, then a supplement is a good solution.


Herbs like peppermint may relax the muscles in your intestines. Check with your medical practitioner before taking herbs in case they may interact with other pills or powders you're taking.


Something else that is often recommended is Probiotics found in certain foods such as yoghurt. These are known as good bacteria that usually live in your intestines

Folks taking Probiotics for IBS show they decrease the symptoms.

Chiropractic Adjustments

A chiropractor may assist you by doing adjustments. Studies show that some cases of IBS result from the malfunction of nerves controlling the immune system and/or the gastrointestinal system. So, the adjustments will assist in healing the nerves, and therefore relieve the IBS symptoms.


The treatment for you could be Acupuncture. It is being used successfully by some folks to relax the muscle spasms and improve bowel function.

Choose a Treatment for you

So, the next step for you is to choose an IBS Treatment that you will assist you. I know that when you do find one, your life will change for the better. - 17268

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