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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Say Goodbye To Acne Problems

By Lucy Collins

Saying good-bye to acne is possible and it's a lot easier that what you may believe.

Acne is just one of those simple annoyances that we have to deal with throughout our lives. Fortunately getting rid of acne is not as touch as everyone makes it out to be, you just have to find the right way to treat your acne, and then how to prevent it from ever coming back!

Here are some acne fighting tips. First of all, when you have acne on your body your first reaction may be to touch the area or pop the pimples. Do not do it! It will only make the area more irritated and susceptible to infection. Leave it alone, and let your body heal itself.

As I've mentioned already, do not attempt to squeeze a pimple because if you pop it, the germs within the pimple together with dirt on your hands, will result is a chain reaction and before you know it, you'll be dealing with a whole bunch of new pimples.

Getting rid of acne can be as easy as just washing your face! If you wash your face daily, either with a moisturizing soap, or a acne treatment soap, you will be working towards cleaning your pres and getting all of that dirt and grease out, and you will be preventing any further breakouts! Make sure you just use mild type soap, something that is not going to be too harsh on your skin!

If you are looking for something over-the-counter that you can use to clear up your skin, try using Benzoyl Peroxide. With Benzoyl Peroxide, you will apply it once or twice everyday, and basically watch your skin clear up. The Benzoyl Peroxide actually works to break up all of the dead skin cells in order to clear out dirt, and open your pores! You can usually find Benzoyl Peroxide within a lotion and you can apply this lotion directly to your face at least once every day!

You should stay away from oily skin products such as many makeups. Some makeups are terrible for acne and can cause serious breakouts over a short period of time. There are oil free makeups made for people with acne prone skin that you should use.

Pay attention to what you eat. If you are consuming a lot of greasy or fattening foods you might have just found the reason to your bad skin. Eat a fit diet, and get rid of all that junk. Not only will you feel better about your skin, you will feel better about yourself as a person and the way you treat your body!

Removing acne from your face and body can be quite easy in many cases if you pay attention to your skin health, and know what affects. Test different solutions and research acne treatment until you find something that works for you. - 17268

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