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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Juvenile Diabetics Get Benefits from a Fish

By Michael Byrd

Sometimes big problems just need simple solutions. Isn't that great? According to the latest research, there is a very simple solution that can help in the prevention of juvenile diabetes for children all over the world ? and this simple solution is known as salmon!

Research conducted by the Norwegian Institute of Health reveals that children who were given cod liver oil (relax, I'll talk about salmon later) while they were still very young, are at 25% lesser at risk to juvenile diabetes; quite a significant number. The result of this research was viewed as very important that it was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Scientist have this belief that we get such results because the inflammation reducing capabilities of omega 3 fatty acids in some fishes with high amounts of EPA and DHA. Phew! That was quite a mouthful, but they can really work wonders. And salmon happens to be the highest source of EPA and DHA. (Now I told you I'd get to the salmon!)

There are actually two types of diabetes ? the type 1 and the type 2 diabetes. In both types, the body is not able to produce insulin or store glucose. This is why diabetics have blood sugar problems. Adults usually get the type 2 diabetes, but recently, because of the developing poor lifestyle and health habits of people, more and more children are also developing the type 2 diabetes at an early age.

The type 1 diabetes, or also referred to as juvenile diabetes, is the type that is known to affect children and adolescents. They usually need daily injections of insulin as their body is not able to produce normal amounts of insulin. From time to time complications may arise due to the daily injections of insulin. Around 80% of patients end up having major eye damage within 15 years from being insulin dependent. Others get kidney failure and often need a dialysis to survive. Also, 35% of type 1 diabetics suffer from heart attacks even before their mid-fifties.

Isn't it amazing to have omega 3 fish as a life savior? But this is not actually the first time. Two decades ago, research has also proved that EPA and DHA have lots of health benefits including that for type 2 diabetics. This latest study on omega 3 fish oil just proves that it can also be used for type 1 diabetes. It may make you want to kiss a fish.(But maybe not!)

Salmon that is found in the unpolluted Arctic Ocean waters seems to be the greatest source for fish oil. EPA and DHA are derived from cold water fish, such as cod and salmon. The anti-inflammatory properties of omega 3 in fish oil is aid to be the one that helps prevent type 1 diabetes, since it is commonly caused by an autoimmune disease.

Mothers who take in fish oil during pregnancy and lactation give their babies life-long of health benefits. The EPA and DHA in fish oil improve the baby's nervous system, hearing and vision. Omega 3 fish oil is also essential in the development of a baby's brain and produces intelligent babies according to research.

So if you want to see your child growing up to be smart, strong and healthy, I would recommend that you see to it that your family eats enough cold water fish and supplement your diet with high quality omega 3 salmon oil capsules. - 17268

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