Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, January 2, 2009

Vegetarian Food Pyramid Facts

By Jim John

The vegetarian food pyramid lists recommended foods and quantities just as a traditional food pyramid does but also lists legumes and nuts instead of meat. Because of their high fiber content, fruits and vegetables replace the fiber category at the bottom tier of the pyramid, and make it unnecessary to include fiber as a separate category.

You should note that the usual vegetarian food pyramid is not the one you should use for a vegan diet. It makes recommendations for dairy products that will not be used with a strict vegan diet. In its place are foods such as soy items that will replace these dairy items. There is a food pyramid that is designed specifically for vegans and it will usually include bread and grains. These items are missing from the general vegetarian pyramid.

When attempting to plan a balanced and healthy diet, the vegetarian food pyramid is an excellent tool. Use it as a guide to help assess your nutritional needs and choose the right foods as well as the corresponding quantities that suit you best. Just as with the traditional food pyramid, the vegetarian version helps you get the proper amounts of each type of food.

Just as the traditional one does, the vegetarian food pyramid provides you, not only with serving the right amounts, but also the limits. Oils, fats, sweets and salts should be sparingly used as they are right on the pyramid's top. This then can be the best healthiest diet.

The food pyramid that a vegetarian follows is a graphic representation of the healthy compenents of their diet. When the food pyramid is followed religiously, you can be assured that your diet is as nutritious as it could be. This is a great way for dieters, who also follow a vegetarian diet, to design their food plan to get the proper nutrition while they are trying to lose weight.

Many people opt for a vegetarian diet simply for health reasons. A vegetarian diet can present the challenge of getting the nutrition you need without eating meat, however, if you follow the pyramid, you can do this with ease. The time and work you use when planning your menus will be worth it when you discover a healthier you. All things being equal, vegetarians are generally healthier than people who are not.

When you are just starting out as a vegetarian you will find that the vegetarian food pyramid is a great way to plan your diet. It can help the novice get a greater understanding of nutrition and what is necessary for a healthy lifestyle. With all of this great information it is easier than ever to make the transition into a healthier diet. You will find that vegetarianism is a simple and delicious way to improve your health all around. - 17268

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