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Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Acai Berry

By Janice Pettry

The Acai Berry is a small berry like fruit that is only found in the Amazon rain forests.For thousands of years, natives in Brazil have consumed this berry in many different forms as they knew it to have many different health benefits.

Today, we are introduced to the Acai Berry in many different forms. Medical experts have seen the amazing health benefits from there patients who regularly consume this berry in the various forms it comes in and they have started to majorly support the recommendation of it to other patients of theirs.

What are some of the different health benefits?

The first and most important is that you have an increased resistance to disease. This is because the extract has over 33 antioxidants that charge up your immune system. It has important vitamins and minerals as well that fight sickness and other disorders.

In fact, scientific research has shown that antioxidants are very important for increasing the body's ability to fight diseases. Just one capsule a day of Acid Berry will ensure that your overall health and fitness is maintained.

Many people consume the Acai Berry in Pulp form but with the great tasting juices made from MonaVie which can be mixed in a smoothy or the capsule form by AcaiBurn, many users are starting to incorporate Acai Berries into there daily diets just for the taste of it alone.

Featured on popular TV shows like Oprah and Rachael Ray, the effects of the Acai Berry products have proven, time and time again, that this berry is all that its cracked up to be. - 17268

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