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Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Benefits of Drinking Cranberry Juice

By Borgon Trocepticlon

Cranberries are small shrubs or low growing plants that have a distinctive dark red color. Cranberries are acidic in nature and have nutritious contents such as Vitamin C and other dietary fibers. Cranberry juice is very easy to make and has a lot of healthy benefits. Researchers have found that cranberry juice can help prevent a lot of serious illnesses such as heart attacks, urinary tract infections, certain cancers and bladder problems.

Scientists have proven the effectiveness of cranberry juice with gum problems. The acidic nature of cranberry juice can help fight certain bacteria that cause gum problems. Regular drinking of cranberry juice can promote good oral health because it prevents cavities brought about by bacteria. Therefore, dentists usually recommend their patients to make it a habit to drink cranberry juice.

Women can greatly benefit from drinking cranberry juice because it also helps in improving skin health. Free radicals from the body that contribute to aging are eliminated by the cranberry juice, thus it enhances cell regeneration to help a woman maintain younger and healthy looking skin. This rejuvenating effect happens because cellulite is reduced by drinking cranberry juice.

Initially, cranberry juice is only known to remedy urinary tract infections. The effects of cranberry juice are very beneficial to patients with urinary tract infections because its acidic property helps in eliminating certain bacteria that thrives in the urethra. Doctors often inform their patients to drink cranberry juice to relieve the symptoms of urinary tract infections. Painful urination is the most common symptom associated with urinary tract infections. Sometimes, this symptom is also accompanied with fever and abdominal pains.

Cranberry juice is an effective way to maintain a healthy and bacteria free urinary tract because it inhibits bacterial growth. The acidic nature of the cranberry juice disrupts bacterial growth in the urethra and bladder; therefore, maintaining the sterile environment. Cranberry juice is also effective in preventing kidney and bladder infections aside from urinary tract infections.

Cranberry juice also has anti-cancer properties. This is because of the anti-oxidant content that can be found in the contents of the fruit. Anti-oxidants are known to prevent the growth of cancer cells. Aside from an anti-cancer effect, cranberry juice is also good for the heart because it inhibits the formation of plaques in the blood vessel walls that causes heart problems. A good example of these heart problems is coronary artery disease.

Because of the Vitamin C content found in cranberry juice, doctors recommend to drink it to boost the immune system. Children who often get sick because of poor immunity can be given at least one to three glasses of cranberry juice per day. This will help children increase their resistance against certain diseases caused by viruses and bacteria.

It is truly beneficial to drink cranberry juice. With all of the benefits that it provides, an individual who would want to live a healthier and longer life should definitely drink cranberry juice every day. However, this fruit juice should be fresh and not commercially prepared because it may already contain preservatives. - 17268

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