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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Final Word On Coffee and Caffeine

By Borgon Trocepticlon

A research-based survey revealed that the most popular stimulant which has become compulsory to rub off the sleep from the eyes in the morning and to activate the energy levels is coffee.

Caffeine is basically a drug which is gathered from tea leaves, kola nuts and coffee beans. It is widely used in medicines, chocolates, and even flavorings. Caffeine is highly addictive which enslaves its addict and increases his reliance on caffeine.

Caffeine addiction is one of the biggest problems in the world today, but people will never admit that they are facing this problem. Caffeine is widely popular because it helps to keep the body more alert, it increases the heart rate of the body, and it also increases the sugar level in the blood.

But caffeine's negative symptoms are manifold. Regular use of caffeine causes the water level of the body to drop as caffeine is a diuretic causing frequent urination. It also reduces the span of deep sleep and the person becomes so addicted to caffeine that if its level per day is reduced the person will show negative behavior. Frustration, nausea, migraines, fatigue, lack of concentration and muscle pain are some of the symptoms of withdrawing from caffeine.

Pregnant women should steer clear of caffeine as it can harm the unborn child by penetrating the placenta causing damaging effects on the fetus. It also raises the chances of having a miscarriage. Low birth weight and amplified labor pain are all side-effects of caffeine. Expecting mothers should ban the caffeine from their nutritional regime and visit their physician for recommendations.

Three to four cups of coffee daily increases the level of anxiety in a person and makes him more prone to panic disorders. Many people also experience insomnia due to over stimulation of the body because of caffeine. People working the night shift suffer from insomnia as they are unable to sleep in the day. Lack of sleep will cause dark circles in the eyes, nervousness and jittering.

The increased heart rate and blood pressure and increased sugar level may cause diabetes and coronary problems. People with a sensitive stomach should also take precautions and decrease their caffeine intake as caffeine intensifies the bowel movements and this can lead to stomach ache. Caffeine is also associated with bowel disorders and ulcers.

Recent studies show that obesity and food cravings can also be attributed to caffeine. Undoubtedly the drawbacks are in the lead if compared to its few advantages. Caffeine boosts energy levels but the effect will only stay around for four to five hours. Following that will be a strong caffeine yearning to recuperate that effect. For the freedom of the mind and the body, a person should make effort to reduce or totally evade the caffeine dependence. It is an arduous task but anything is possible if there is a will to do it. - 17268

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