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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What Happens When You Take Acai Berry?

By Carter Sinclair

Acai berries are beneficial for the body in so many ways. They have been proven to aid in better sleep, increasing energy and stamina, strengthening the immune system, better memory, and the decrease of the body's pains and aches. How does this happen when all we are talking about is a fruit no bigger than your thumb? Just imagine the surprise of so many researchers when they found out how great acai is for the human body!

Remember what you were taught in school that our ecosystem needs a balance of animals, plants, and humans. Plants have chemicals that help protect them from danger just as animals and humans have. It is from their natural evolution. Recently researchers have found that the chemicals that protect plants from diseases and other harmful substances are beneficial for the human body too.

Therefore, we all should not wonder why our main food consists of plants and animals, and these "prey" of humans also benefit from us and from each other. Plants benefit from the gases we produce, animals benefit from plants as they feed on plants as well, and so on. With acai berries for instance, this is not the first time that they have been used for health purposes, they were just hiding in countries like Brazil where the natives have harvested their goodness since the ancient times.

Acai berry has many healthy benefits and are now available to us too. They are sold as pills and juices and still contain the organic elements of fresh fruits in their natural form.

Recent research has even been mentioned that acai berry helps in the treatment and prevention of cancer. Studies have found acai berry helps to kill cancer cells. This is all new discoveries so more testing will need to be done before scientists can say for sure if acai can cure cancer but early research is looking positive.

Many free radicals are harmful and cause damage to the immune system as well as cause your body to age faster. Luckily, Acai berry contain powerful antioxidants to combat these free radicals so that you can keep your youthful healthy appearance. - 17268

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