Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, March 27, 2009

Lose Weight Naturally With These 4 Steps

By Frances Lightmer

Have you had enough of these of companies that advertise their magic potions for losing weight or their new breakthrough diet scam?

These companies are taking advantage of your problem by offering you a quick, yet very unhealthy alternative to the natural way that our bodies function.

Let me tell you what you need to do to turn your life around. Follow these four steps and stick to them and you will lose weight, have higher self esteem, and increase your energy!

1. Step number one is perhaps the most crucial. It's the switching of your mindset from one of negativity to one of positive. If you are going to reach your weight loss goals, then I want you to focus on the future at least 15 minutes per day. Total focus.

This is all very important. I want you to take about 15 to 20 minutes everyday and just focus on this one thought. Before you begin, make sure you're mentally in a happy place. If you're not, wait till later or listen to some music or do whatever you need to do to get into a good mood.

2. Now you need to get rid of those awful eating habits. It's time to find a mentor or coach to help guide you along the way. Trust me when I tell you that it's much easier this way. Find an author or a health coach on the internet that is into eating naturally is the way to go. They have been where you are and they can relate.

The all natural approach to eating does take a little getting used to, but I assure you, once you've adjusted to this lifestyle, you're going to wonder why you didn't start sooner.

3. You will now add some exercising to the mix. As with any new activity, you should inform your doctor. Let them know of your goals and how you've already starting eating natural foods. They will give a list of what exercises are best to start with.

You definately need to start slow and build up. Start with more aerobic type activities, like walking, fast walking, riding a bike. Build up to jogging. Then start incorporating some weight lifting to tone your muscles. It's always a good idea to keep your doctor updated as to where you are in your training. Check out some local gyms or health clubs. For the seniors, most health clubs offer some great low impact classes.

4. Sleep is also very important. I don't really feel that this topic needs much explaining. I've heard some people who believe that their body is different and that it only needs 5 hours of sleep a night. Maybe so, but everyone else should try for at least 8 hours a night.

Remember too, that with the exercising that you will be doing, you should have no problem reaching 8 hours.

Well there you have it. 4 steps to losing weight the natural way. Again, follow these steps and you will lose the weight and your life will improve. Only you can take that first step. Go for it! - 17268

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