Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, March 27, 2009

Reducing Calories Does Not Promote Weight Loss

By Carrie Hull

Reducing calories will not help you lose weight. Calories are not the enemy here. If you eat 2500 calories per day and reduce yourself to 1500 calories per day, you won't necessarily lose weight. Your body will simply burn fewer calories. You will reach a dieting plateau. This means that you may lose a few pounds; however, once you reach a certain point, it will be impossible to lose weight.

Let's begin with, how a person typically goes on a diet. One day you look into the mirror and see tight fitting close and you just don't look right. Your neck, arms, legs, and waist are larger than you remember. You put on a pair of jeans and they just don't pull on the way the use to, easily. They fit tight and are uncomfortable sitting down. Sound familiar? Anyways, on this day, you get angry and frustrated enough to finally put your self on a diet and decide to lose weight. And this time, you are going to stick to it.

Today you are filled with enough motivation, anger, and frustration that you are determined to do whatever it is going to take to lose that unsightly weight. You begin depriving yourself of all those goodies you love. You try and skip breakfast in order to "cut back" on calories. Unfortunately, this motivation doesn't last long because after a few hours you're hungrier than you've ever been before and you're feeling week and possibly have a headache. Your body is not accustomed to skipping meals like this and not used to being without calories for so long.

You feel miserable, but you bravely tell yourself that you can do this. You don't want to quit, and you want to actually lose weight this time. You still have enough motivation that at lunch you decide to have something small as you are still convinced that eating less is the key to losing weight.

By dinner time you have a headache and chances are you are hungry. Do you really want to go through this every day? But today, you are still motivated enough to say yes. You stick with this diet for the remainder of the evening.

If you are really brave, you may have held off for a week, but chances are you have gone back to eating the same way after only a few days. Even if you were able to stick with it for a few days or weeks, you will not have lost any weight. Well, any weight worth losing. You may have made matters worse though. Since your body now thinks it is starving, it will begin to store every calorie that you eat.

You may have lost a few pounds during this type of diet, but the weight that was lost is just water weight, not real fat loss. And all that water weight will be gained right back when you eat normal again.

If you keep trying this type of diet, you will never lose weight. Well, not fat loss anyways. Depriving yourself of calories is not the answer. Your body needs the right type of calories and in the right combination. You could be losing weight eating normally; you just need to know how. - 17268

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