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Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Way You Eat - Legacy for Children

By Ellen Valentine, CNC

People in America have the strangest eating habits. Rather than a sacred ritual that is enjoyed, may folks simply cram food in on the go. In those instances even the best foods will not digest well. A lot of those habits come from childhood. The example we see set in childhood is usually what we practice unless we catch on to some better way to perform.

The human body is energy, something like 99.999 formless and the rest is apparent form. Choosing food should be with that fact in mind. Eating food with consciousness and gratitude assists our bodies to incorporate the energy of the foods we are eating.

Although meals are usually is a social time, the time can be planned as quiet, relaxing and mutually supportive. The dinner table is not the time for interrogation or reprimand. The more relaxing the meal, the more true interest and love shown around the table, the better the digestion will be for children for their lifetime.

Foods easily ingested by one child cause allergic reactions in their sibling. Lack of consideration in this area has resulted in at least a few children with chronic indigestion and bad eating habits for a lifetime. Food preferences go beyond likes and dislikes, being picky or being a so called good eater. It involves blood types and what is termed in Eastern Indian Cultures dosha types. Every person is unique and varied in what they are designed to digest.

Foods not digested take more energy to move through the system than they lend to building the body. Foods not fully digested, move through the body slowly, use up precious energy, putrefy in the stomach and small intestine, and over years, line the colon walls. The body's energy is used up in overcompensating for this putred fermentation happening in the body. Illness is the natural outcome.

Can it be done? Absolutely, you can gather all your forces and go for live foods, drink pure water, and plan meals to have the body and a life to match that youve only dreamed of. But exactly how hard will it be? Will you have to starve, do without food or perhaps never have coffee or wine? Oh please, that would be awful. Lets talk balance

Youll never have to starve, maybe eat smaller and more consciously arranged meals, get a juicer and perhaps eat 75% raw or lightly cooked foods. There are thousands of sweetener choices but rather than choose white sugar or a toxic substitute you may learn to like Stevia or honey. Before you drink that first cup of coffee in the morning you can drink one or two full glasses of water with fresh organic lemon squeezed into it. You'll look for and give yourself leverage.

The choices are endless and very empowering. None of them force you to give up enjoyment; they will all add to your enjoyment, boost your self esteem and give you the body and the life you long for. Every self-enhancing choice will also add to the environment and give a great example to the next generation. Conscious food choices, gratitude, relaxing meals and pure water all lend to the health and radiant look we feel good wearing, no matter what age we are.

Eat Right, Feel Great, Ellen Valentine, CNC - 17268

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