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Saturday, March 7, 2009

Things that You Need to Know About Cholelithiasis

By Katie A. Price

Cholelithiasis is the medical term used to describe stone formation in the gallbladder. Accompanying cholelithiasis is the condition termed as cholecystitis, defined as the inflammation of the gallbladder. There are a lot of theories known to have caused this disease. Theories such as metabolic factors, namely obesity, diabetes, pregnancy, and hypothyroidism are known to cause stone formation in the gallbladder. Stagnant bile in the gallbladder often causes salt to precipitate and form mixed stones from within the gallbladder.

Women are more commonly affected by gallstone formation than men. These women are generally obese or overweight. Usually, women diagnosed with cholelithiasis are around forty years of age and those who have already given birth. Gallstones are composed primarily of cholesterol, bile salts, calcium, proteins, and bilirubin. The reduction in the solubility of cholesterol from the food that we eat is often the causative factor for gallstone formation.

On the onset of cholelithiasis, patients will start to lose weight. They will also experience anorexia, nausea and vomiting. Because of decreased fat absorption due to the fact that the gallbladder can not function properly, fats are seen in the stool. Fats in the stool are called steatorrhea. It gives off a bad odor aside from the fact that the stools give off a different smell than usual.

You might think that patients with cholelithiasis have liver problems because their skin color is yellow, just like those with liver diseases. This will be very evident especially if the patients skin complexion is fair. The yellowish discoloration of the skin is termed jaundice. This is present in cholelithiasis because of bile.

Generally, patients with cholelithiasis and accompanying cholecystitis are often managed surgically through an invasive operative procedure called cholecystectomy. Cholecystectomy is the removal of gallbladder. Before operation, patients are given a drug called Meperidine HCL to relieve the pain. Patients are also given a low fat diet. Patients are also taught about deep breathing and coughing exercises prior to the operation to prevent respiratory complications.

It is advisable to reduce your eating of fatty foods. If you love eating these kinds of foods such as those offered in various fast food restaurants, then better stop eating it and instead have more fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber which is good for your body compared to fatty foods which are rich in bad cholesterols.

Cholelithiasis is a serious condition when it is already accompanied by the inflammation of the gallbladder. There are various approaches when it comes to the management of cholelithiasis. If it is not yet serious, treatments such as electrohydraulic shock wave lithotripsy or known as ESWL are used to dissolve the stones in the gallbladder.

A simple lifestyle change can be a big impact for you, especially to your health. All you need to do is to do some effective physical work and diet modifications. Instead of just watching the television all day, do simple household chores and let yourself sweat. Also, take time to prepare healthy and nutritious foods. These foods can be not only nutritious, but also cost effective. With these simple ways, you are assured of a healthy body. - 17268

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