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Friday, March 20, 2009

Turmeric Is An Answer To Your Prayers

By Borgon Trocepticlon

It is a common practice amongst people to search for health related foods in a big superstore or other herbal medical stores. But a little peek in your kitchen ingredients can prove to be more beneficial than any trip to any medical or super store. Turmeric, the most easily available spice and herb in the kitchen, can be an answer to your prayers. Its worth dates back to the 18th century, and it is no less beneficial even in the technological age of advanced medicines and equipment.

Ever wondered what gives turmeric its healing properties? Curcumin, a chemical component and an active agent in turmeric gives the turmeric its yellowish hue and is also famous for its anti inflammatory properties. Moreover, it has also shown its benefits in creating antibodies and fighting HIV bacteria and various other cancers.

Liver ailments can be remedied with turmeric. The function of the liver is to secrete bile. Turmeric assists the liver with this operation and acts as a defense mechanism against radiation and harmful chemicals. Clotting of the arteries, high cholesterol levels, acidity, digestive disorders can all find relieve with turmeric. Those who do not have a strong immune system can incorporate turmeric in their daily diet to prevent being attacked by harmful diseases. In India and other Asian countries turmeric is used as spice in traditional dishes.

Acne and wounds can be considerably healed by turmeric as it has antiseptic properties. A simple concoction can be made by the mixture of neem leaves crushed by hand and mixing them in a tsp of turmeric. This paste can be applied to acne spots for desirable results. Neem leaves can also be substituted by coconut oil if they are not easily available. Coconut oil and turmeric should be mixed to make a fine paste, then applied on the spots and kept overnight. This application can be repeated for at least three days to observe positive results.

Turmeric is known to mend the wounds swiftly. It works to rebuild the wounded skin with velocity and shields it from the foreign contact of bacteria. Glowing, shiny and smooth skin can be attained and problems of the skin can be kept at bay by applying turmeric paste on the skin regularly.

Turmeric's benefits extend even to the blood of the body. If taken regularly in the form of juice, it purifies the blood. It is also a natural detoxifier and can even act as a painkiller. It even helps with Alzheimers disease to a positive extent. Not only that, curcumin is also responsible for the reduction of plaque, tissue inflammation and memory loss.

Turmeric also relieves arthritis by impeding the enzyme that causes the swelling, pain and inflammation. Moreover, it helps diabetes patients by regulating the level of sugar in the blood.

Turmeric has countless benefits. Making it an integral part of your diet by utilizing it as a spice to season your food will safeguard your health and ensure your well-being. It is a very economical medicine suited to heal your maladies. - 17268

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