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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Caffeine: Is It In Wu Yi Tea?

By Jared Rothe

During this day and age caffeine doesn't face the scrutiny it once did in the 1970's and 80's. Back then it was believed to contribute to coronary disease and atherosclerosis today we know that is untrue. Now caffeine is a staple for many in the form of sodas, coffees, tea, etc...

Caffeine is a naturally occurring chemical that is found in many plants around the world. These plants have been propagated, cultivated and harvested to produce full-flavored leaves and berries that produce the rich, heart-warming beverages enjoyed the world over. Therefore, the simple answer to the question "does Wu Yi Tea have caffeine in it?" is "absolutely." But is that really a bad thing? Hmm.

Modern medicine tells us that caffeine actually offers a wide range of health benefits including reduced cholesterol levels, better mental focus and reduced stress levels. Tea, in particular, has been proven to offer additional benefits such as increased antioxidant levels, improved digestion and a reduced incidence of osteoporosis. Let's take a look at a few of the benefits of consuming Wu Yi Tea.

Increased antioxidant levels: Fruits and vegetables are known to provide vital antioxidants to sustain optimal performance of bodily functions. They support healthy skin, hair, bones, organs and tissue and adequate consumption of these nutrients is critical to protecting the body from free-radical damage. Stress, pollution, cigarette smoking and many other factors expose us to free-radicals that attack healthy tissue 24-hours a day. Gently processed green and black teas, such as Wu Yi Tea, retain optimal polyphenols and antioxidants such as thearubugins and theaflavins, which work together to afford the greatest cellular protection and boost metabolism to help maintain healthy weight.

Lowered blood pressure: Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, places excessive stress on the arterial and veinous wall tissue and is a major contributing factor to developing atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. The process damages the cellular matter that forms the millions of tiny spaghetti that forms our circulatory system and forces the heart to work harder to circulate blood throughout the body. Green teas, such as Wu Yi Tea, reduce inflammation and swelling of the vein tissues, help the body to maintain healthy blood pressure levels and stave off the onset of cardiovascular disease.

Improved mental focus: If drinking a cup or two of your favorite warm tea beverage helps to chase away the "drearies" and sharpens your focus, then you are among the 90% percentile of individuals who regularly indulge. But understanding the mechanism that brings about this effect is important for individuals concerned about unwanted wakefulness and caffeine overdose. While naturally processed green teas are known to contain a relatively high concentration of caffeine (200 mg/L per 20+ fluid ounces), achieving toxic levels is unlikely. In the brain, caffeine crosses the blood-brain barrier and aids in suppressing neurologic fatigue that precedes drowsiness. - 17268

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