Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, April 13, 2009

Lower Ab Workouts - Burning Abs Don't Mean Ripped Abs

By Jose Loni

When you do lower ab workouts and feel your abs burning, don't kid yourself and start thinking that you're on your way to ripped abs because you're not. There is no such thing as spot reduction although a lot of claims and advertisements will have you believing that their product can do so. Those empty promises will not get you ripped abs but burning excess body fat by speeding up your metabolism through weight training will, satisfaction guaranteed.

While lower ab training is excellent for strengthening and toning your abs, working a specific area will not melt away the fats there. Excess body fat is lost through full body workouts so the more joints you get moving, the more fat you start losing.

Infomercials selling all sorts of magic machines usually show their always-smiling, perfectly shaped models in various contorted positions, trying to make their contortions as enticing to the viewer as possible, with the magic promise of getting your own body in model-perfect shape as well.

Unfortunately, those ads and machines don't work. They are marketing their products to target the abs directly and that will not work. Spot reducing does not work. The abs will get stronger but they will not burn the necessary fat that is covering the abdominal muscles.

What will melt those fats away is weight training. Working out the large muscles in the body will get the muscles more active, which leads them to use up more energy. To drive this increased energy use, the body now has to supply more fat to be converted to energy, effectively using up fat stores and revealing ripped abs.

Making the body work at higher intensities will create oxygen debt for the muscles. To keep the muscles working, the body must now supply them with oxygen and blood, at the same time, clearing away any waste products in the muscles.

The process of replenishing, repairing and removing carbon dioxide and lactic acid can occur for several hours, throughout the day. As a result, the body's metabolism is increased and the body becomes a fat burning machine.

Therefore, burning lower abs while doing lower ab workouts don't mean you're sculpting ripped abs. Target area reduction and infomercials serve to sell you a dream. Speeding up your metabolism through weight training will make you realize that dream! - 17268

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