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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What Do The Acai Berries Taste Like?

By Carter Sinclair

Very tasty in my opinion. Acai berry tastes like a mixture of chocolate and strawberries. The taste is even better when you realize its one of the healthiest berries on the planet.

The acai berry contains an extremely hight amount of antioxidants which help to fight against free radicals. Free radicals cause your skin to age and mutate. This small berry protects against that and is full of amino acids, fiber, vitamins, and iron. Research is doing well on the acai berry and has already produced some truly unbelievable results.

The acai berry has been studied for its treatment and prevention of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and weight loss.

Weight loss is just one of the by-products of ingesting the substances that can be found in acai berries. The reason why acai is effective in losing excess pounds is because of the powers that it has to kick up metabolism. When your metabolism is made faster, you can easily burn bad fats and turn them into energy. This energy and stamina that you experience can be used when training for weight loss. Additionally, your muscles are easier to develop since burning the fats also oxygenate the mitochondria - essential for growing your muscles. Keeping your metabolic rate up makes you more active inside and out.

As mentioned earlier free radicals can cause cell replication which causes your body to age quicker. So by eating acai berries you can protect yourself from free radicals.

Acai does so much just to name a few it helps to relieve headaches, helps you sleep, improves your mood, blood circulation, memory, as well as helps to promote healthy blood sugar levels.

Acai is a very miraculous berry that has helped many people in so many different ways. Try it out and see so for yourself. - 17268

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