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Friday, May 1, 2009

Acai Berry Benefits

By Carter Sinclair

The Acai Berry, a long reddish, purple fruit, originates from the South American rain forest; this fruit has long been popular with the natives. Since being introduced to North America, it has quickly become touted as one of the "super foods". Since being introduced to the United States, it has become a frequently listed ingredient in products such as health drinks, weight loss supplements and as an energy enhancer.

The acai berry is held as one of the super foods due to the high antioxidant content. Blueberries have been held as one of the highest sources of antioxidants, but this berry has twice the content of the blueberry. Dr. Nicholas Perricone made the acai berry popular with his appearance on the Oprah show, where he placed it in the same category as pomegranate and goji berries.

The acai berry has an extensive list of health benefits. While studies are still being conducted to find more information, there are things we do know already. The acai berry is believed to not only increase energy, but claims have also been made that it will help mental focus and increase stamina during high impact activities. People who use the acai berry also claim sleep is improved - that's something we can all use more of, since getting a good night's sleep is so essential for other elements of our health.

The antioxidant content is also believed to lead to better heart health. The antioxidants have been shown to regulate cholesterol levels in research. High cholesterol is proven to be a leading cause in heart disease. This may mean that acai berry will be proven in preventing heart disease and extending life expectancy.

Anti-oxidants play a strong role in maintaining blood circulation. This affects not only heart health, but also overall well-being. Good blood circulation may also contribute to enhanced sexual performance, which has also been reported as a benefit of the acai berry.

Those with digestive problems may have found the answer to relief. The high fiber content has been shown to relieve symptoms of irregular bowel movements, and those who have taken the acai berry have seen lowered indigestion. Whether you are young or elderly, this fruit may be the new way to eat your fiber.

Cancer fighting properties are also being researched. This elusive cure may be around the corner, as acai berries have been shown to actually destroy cancer cells. Not only a preventative, this brings the potential for a cure to an exciting new level.

How long until you can begin to experience benefits? Depending on which acai berry product you decide to try, most people report results within two weeks to one month. Consumers have made the sale of acai berry products increase considerably. With the promising results being experienced, and the up and coming research seems to back up what the Amazon Rain Forrest has been keeping a guarded secret. Nature is our best healer. - 17268

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