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Monday, May 4, 2009

Are You Aware of These False Claims for Healing Bruises?

By Carolyn Cooper

Once you decide that you want to eliminate bruising, you may be at a loss or at your wits end. There are many people out there who are forced to deal with bruising easily on a daily basis, and if you discover that you are bruising with very little interaction or for no obvious reason, you absolutely need a solution that will make your bruises fade or just disappear. The truth is that there are positively some cures that work wonderfully and can make your bruises vanish as though by magic, but there are unfortunately a variety of so-called remedies that originate from fairy tales and lousy advice. In other words, there are a lot of wrongly advised treatments out there.

The primary thing that you should understand is that heat should not be applied to the bruise. An application of cold may help, but heat is only going to increase the inflammation of the area, and in most cases, cause it to be worse. Although it is true that applied heat can help circulation, and although circulation is very important, this is not the tack you should take when dealing with a freshly formed bruise. Consider that a bruise is the result of the breaking of tiny blood vessels under the skin's surface, and the last thing that you would want to do is to encourage is supplying more blood to the area. Heat application can actually foster a bruise that is much more pronounced.

Do not rub onions on the bruise. This is one of those old folks tales that gets circulated a great deal. Someone's mother or someone's best friend might have told you that cold slices of onion laid against your skin will help reduce the bruise, but the truth of the matter is that you are going to do is end up smelling like an onion. The cold feels nice, but a cold pack, if the bruise is hurting you, is going to be a much better option. Stay away from this supposed cure, it actually does no good.

Another old wives tale that has been widely told is the idea that dairy products can help reduce a bruise. Well, milk may do a body good, but in almost all cases, this happens when used internally, not externally. Bathing in milk might be good for your skin, but there is not nearly enough lactic acid that is going to soak into your skin to make a difference in your bruising. Use the milk and cottage cheese for healthy bones, but keep it away from your bruising.

Stay away from using Orajel (kids teething pain medicine) or any other like type of product on your bruise. Find out what are the ingredients. Normally, products like these are created to take down specific swelling, and they could give you a pleasantly cool tingle at the application site, but the real true story is that they are in no way meant for this purpose, and while they might help eliminate some pain, they aren't going to provide any benefit for the bruise itself.

For all of the people dealing with bruising issues, it seems that each person has their own favorite way to heal their bruising. Their individual remedy may work very well for them individually, but keep in mind that we all bruise uniquely, and that our bodies are all react differently. In the course of determining a cure that is best for you, always make certain that you are aware of why the cure should work, and what the thought process behind it is. - 17268

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