Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, May 2, 2009

For Healthy Eating Facts, You Can't Beat This!

By Dan Beckwith

There are bunches of good, healthy eating facts out there and it can get incredibly confusing. Bad carbs, good carbs, protein, nutrients...It's enough to make you want to pull your hair out.

Today, let's step back a little from all the confusion, and talk about one of the best healthy eating facts around. Do this, and you are guaranteed to have healthy, nutritious meals that will help you lose weight (if that is what you want).

Take a moment to think about this...when was the last time you picked up dinner at a fast food restaurant, or ordered a pizza?

Why? You are trying to lose weight, and you know those things are bad for why did you do it?

As with anything else, there's going to be exceptions, but I would venture to guess that most of you ordered the pizza or stopped off at the fast food place - simply because you didn't have any idea of what to fix for dinner. And, it was simply easier to stop off and pick up a meal, rather than plan one.

To a surprising extent, our unhealthy diets exist for no reason other than convenience. It's a fact - but, not one of the healthy eating facts. The last thing we want to do after a long day at work, is create a menu for our dinner. We are tired! Then, when you consider the minefield of good carbs, bad carbs and so on... it's even worse. BTW - it's just as bad to toss a frozen pizza into the oven as it is to order one.

Here's an easy solution to that problem... whenever you can set aside a couple hours - plan your dinner menu for each day in the coming week. If you are feeling particularly ambitious, go for two weeks worth of menus. If you can't find a couple hours, schedule them. It's worth it.

Write out each meal plan on a separate sheet of paper. Then place them all in a three ring binder. If you really want to get fancy, you could separate the days with pretty multicolored tabs. Somewhere down the line, you will probably want to laminate the pages too.

Then, each evening when you get home, flip to that days' recipe and make it. Get in the habit of NEVER - under any circumstance - deviating.

You will totally stop the impulse buying from the local fast food place, save a lot of money, and never have to worry about what to fix for dinner.

The danger is, many of you won't want to try this because it seems too simple. But, it works and saves a lot of money too.

If you could hire a chef to do nothing but plan and prepare your meals, and if you gave them the task of only fixing healthy low-calorie meals, you would expect them to preplan the menus. Not wait until the last minute to fix whatever came to mind. Think of yourself in the same way, plan your meals and don't change your plans throughout the week.

Once you make this a habit, you will learn to truly value and depend on that little binder.

Think of it, if you plan all of your meals to be nutritious, low-calorie and healthy ones, eventually your health must improve. It has to, it's a scientific fact.

When the first week is over, do it all again. Create a new plan for the new week. If you make them all different recipes, by the end of the month you will have an entire month's worth of unique meals.

Every dinner - for 28 days - will be unique (so you don't get sick of eating the same things over and over), tasty, nutritious, and low calorie. At this point, if you want to, you could stop your weekly planning and just continuously rotate your daily meal plans.

I think that's one of the best healthy eating facts out there, and it will help you save a bundle at the grocery store.

Check out my website for a bunch of additional information and a free subscription to my " Fast Weight Loss" mini course. - 17268

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