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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Does Oprah Use Acai Or Is It A Scam?

By Megan Smith

By now you have heard it. Acai berry is one of the most powerful anti-aging foods discovered in the world today. Used for centuries by the people of the Brazilian rainforests, acai berries are brimming with a three punch of amino acids. antioxidants, and essential fatty acids. Oprah and acai has been a theme of the Oprah show two times in the past year.

The fatty acid content in acai berry resembles that found in canola oil, olive oil, flax oil, grapeseed oil and other heart-healthy oils, and is a good source of monounsaturated oleic acid. By keeping the cell membrane supple, all hormones, neurotransmitter and insulin receptors function more efficiently Oleic acid helps omega-3 rich oils such as fish oil penetrate the cell membrane; together they help make cell membranes more supple and flexible. This is what interested Oprah about acai. This is particularly critical as high insulin levels create an inflammatory state which causes premature aging.

Acai berries also contain healthy fats, and phytosterols to help promote digestive health, cardiovascular health, and immune health. Acai contains a powerful concentration of antioxidants that help resist the adverse effects of aging. Acai berries have also been proven to fight against the number one killer of adults in America, heart disease. These healthy berries also contain an essential amino acid complex which is important to proper muscle functioning. These antioxidants keep skin relaxed and are reputed to actually reverse pre-existing wrinkles.

The research community definitely has established that your health will be improved by regularly taking acai supplements. So where is the problem? Google acai and you will find out. The web is full of online sites promoting "Oprah acai berry". These sites contain all the proof positive reasons you should supplement your daily dietary intake with acai. Lots of the sites even include a photo of Oprah and acai berry. The sites include promises from acai users who have enjoyed weight loss as a result of taking of acai. The trouble or problem comes in the form of sites that offer a free trial offer of acai berry juice or a free trial of an acai supplement.

A substantial number of people have complained that within a few days of ordering their free sample they received a big bill for a full month supply that they didn't order Others are reporting that the effort to cancel an unwanted acai order is almost impossible and made very difficult. Many customers feel tricked because they are receiving invoices for acai that they never wanted. Therein lies the scam.

Go ahead and enjoy the health benefits of the acai berry. Oprah does. But whatever you do, buy the product from a reputable dealer. You won't notice the health benefits during a short trial period anyway. Reputable and honest dealers outline their cancelation policies clearly and don?t have to entice people with free offers. - 17268

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