Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Food Emergency

By Eric Vanderham

Why does the idea of having enough food for emergency preparedness keep many of us worrying at night? After all, many of us live in countries where there is a lot of food in the stores, enough to see us through emergencies. The problem is that natural disasters, power outages, and living in remote areas can deter our ability to get to the stores. Even the recent volcano eruptions and earthquakes have limited the transportation needed to allow people into towns. Some people won't have the cash or access to bank machines or debit cards when needed.

There are people who have meticulously planned for food emergencies, by buying, packaging and storing staples of food, labelling them for expiry dates in order not to waste the food. The year or two goes by, the food has to be eaten, and replaced in order to keep that constantly emergency supply. I cannot speak against those who have done such a valiant job at planning for their family. The problem is that many of us do not have the time nor inclination to go to all this trouble yet we are of course worried about how lack of food storage for emergencies.

What I've found is a lot of food available that is prepared for much longer storage life such as 5 to 10 years, even up to 25 years. Freeze dried food, MRE's, these foods are what military personnel carry with them. For those of you unfamiliar with MRE's, they are individual pouches of food ready to slip into an MRE heater. THe heater is also a slim disposable holder that requires only one tablespoon of water to heat the MRE meal that you slip into it. The MRE will provide nutritious meals that are most tasty hot than cold, which is why you want the MRE heater with you. At about .99 for the heater, you can see what I'm talking about. The heater is not a piece of bulky equipment and does not require fuel.

A lot of us have never heard of MRE's nor the MRE heater, so I'm explaining in detail. The difference in the years of shelf-life for MREs is a result of the temperature you store them in. They keep best in 75 degrees farenheit or less and will last much longer than five years at those temperatures, but about 5 years in hotter climates or storage. You can see why these are so valuable to the military.

MRE's can be provide a 30 day supply of food in a box, with 2000 calories per day of meals per person. The 30 MRE heaters are also provided with it, depending on what company you by from. They eliminate the need for power or drinkable water to heat up the food, they are light to carry but have excellent food and last for years. You can carry them on hiking or wilderness trips, being ready for the unexpected such as poor weather conditions or being lost in the bush. You can keep a box in your home for easy evacuation as part of your emergency preparedness kit. They are fantastic to have.

There are also containers of freeze dried meals that last from 20 to 30 years, so once you have bought these, you will have taken care of your food supply. You can start storing cans of meals bit by bit until you have the variety of different meals you would want with you. One can has nine servings and indicate that it is lactose free, shellfish free, pork free, etc., Prior to ordering them, you will be able to see the nutrition facts, the ingredients, and how many servings it will provide.

Freeze dried food seals in the nutrients and are superior to dehydrated foods. They keep the shape, texture and taste, vitamins, fibre, color of fresh frozen foods. Some examples of the meals you may buy: vegetable stew with beef, chicken and rice, spaghetti and meat sauce, chicken a la king, beef stroganoff, vegetarian meals, beef or chicken teriyaki, lasagna with meat sauce, sea food chowder, incredible assortment of desserts, individuals cans of specific side dishes such as fluffy white rice, sweet corn, green beans, the list is vast.

You will notice that you don't have to be eating beans and canned soup every day, nor do you have to worry about the expiration date. One man wrote that the snack crackers he tried after 25 years of storage were still really excellent tasting. There are also single and two-pack pouches of freeze dried food for travel, hiking, camping, etc. Best sellers are Lasagna/Meat Sauce, Beef Stew, Beef Stroganoff, Chicken Teriyaki, Eggs/Bacon. Have fun trying these out! - 17268

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