Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Great Dirty Trick Beats Fat Loss Plateau

By geanor fremooor

I had a training partner once that always snuck on more weight on the bar. For example, when I plan on doing 210 lbs for 7 repetitions, he would slap on an extra 10 (220). The big thing is I end up doing it just as easily as I was doing 210. The point to his dirty trick was my partner knew that I was stronger then I let myself think. If planned on doing this at home make sure you have a spotter.

How exactly can you receive a benefit from his dirty trick? You can receive a benefit In 2 ways.

1. Change the way you think (mindset) and your self image (what you think about yourself)

If you have the problem where you are stuck on a plateau within your workout and arent getting the results youre looking for and is brainwashed that youre supposed to be fat and wont ever lose weight or build the muscle your craving, youre not going to get anywhere.

Instead of doing that tell yourself that you are meant to lose the fat and build the muscle. Believe it when you say it so its in your head. Picture buying a bunch of clothes for your new, hot body or going to the beach and not being embarrassed to take your shirt off or put a bathing suit on.

Here is an awesome example of a good fat burning mindset shift mentioned by someone I know.

Yesterday went great. I decided to not eat a plate full of fries and didnt even bother eating a burger like I normally do. I did the mindset change and now overall, Im a healthy person. A healthy person doesnt get involved with greasy burgers and fries, doing so is just asking for trouble.

So eat a turkey burger/sandwich instead. Its low in fat and high in protein. Have a strong, positive thinking mentality and you will be on the road to your success.

2. Break a new record every time in your workouts

Your body will only change if you are improving and putting more weight on each time. My workout partners dirty trick made sure I was getting the most out of my workout every time and guaranteed to receive gains.

When it comes to your fat loss muscle building workout youre going to want to pick an area where you want/can improve on for each workout you do. No matter if its just one more rep, 5 pounds or more added to the workout or faster intervals. Beat the old record and make a new one every time and just like that you will reach success. - 17268

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