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Friday, May 15, 2009

Increasing Your Height With Vitamins

By Rodney Williams

The human body needs nutrients in order to reach its full potential. People who practice good nutrition are often significantly taller and healthier, like the Dutch, than those who do not. World health studies show that more than 200 million children have stunted growth due to poor nutrition. One of the key elements of good nutrition is the consumption of the right vitamins.

Most of the foods we eat supply us with vitamins naturally. Vitamins are an essential fuel for life and increasing height. When there is a vitamin deficiency there is often stunted growth and the potential for serious illness.

Vitamins have a phenomenal impact of your body. In addition to keeping you healthy, they help your body use important minerals to increase bone structure. For example, your bones need Calcium to grow but your body needs Vitamin D in order to absorb Calcium. Vitamin C cements cellular walls together as the bone matrix lengthens. Vitamin A aids the new cells that are being developed as you increase your height.

Vitamins do more than just help bones grow. As your height increases, it is important that you stay healthy. You can metabolize fat and protein needed for the production of Human Growth Hormone because of Vitamin B6. It also minimizes tension in muscles to maximize the effects of exercise. Red blood cells, which increase your energy, need Vitamin B12 to exist. Vitamins K and E maintain blood oxygen levels and clotting. This keeps your blood moving freely though you body and supplying it with growth hormones. Vitamin F promotes heart health and circulation.

Many vitamins have an indirect, but important, impact on growing taller. As you grow, your skin is kept healthy by Vitamins B2 and A. Many vitamins are absorbed through the digestive track, which is aided by Vitamin B1. As your body is exposed to foods that may stunt your growth, Vitamin B6 works as a diuretic to cleanse the body of those toxins.

Getting your vitamins through a well-balanced diet is always preferable to vitamin supplements. Most people already know that citrus and tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C. However, there are plenty of other vitamin-rich foods. Fish is an excellent source of the vitamins your body needs to increase your height. The B group of vitamins is common to livers, kidney, and green leafy vegetables. If you are a vegetarian, you may have to supplement your B vitamins. Cheese can give your body Vitamin B12. You can get Vitamin D from milk, fish oil, and plenty of sunshine. Whole wheat and broccoli can give you plenty of Vitamin E.

Vitamins are best absorbed when your diet is well planned. Exercise, sleeping, and eating large meals can all impact how and when your body absorbs vitamins. If you drink plenty of water, it helps to thin your blood so that your vitamins can reach all of your body. You need to make sure that you do not substitute vitamins for food. Your body works best when it absorbs vitamins the natural way from food.

Always monitor your vitamin consumption. Your age, gender, and size make your specific vitamin needs unique. Always check with your doctor to develop a vitamin regiment that will keep you healthy and help you gain height.

Your body cannot grow if it is not healthy. You cannot be healthy without the proper vitamins. Vitamins work best when they are consumed naturally, through food. People who have vitamin-rich diets tend to be taller and stronger. If you practice good, vitamin filled nutrition, you will find yourself growing taller. - 17268

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